Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Savannah, GA - Part 1

Upon arriving in Savannah the 2 Chicas headed straight for the Visitor’s Center.  It is a great place to pick up local dirt on happenings around town.  Parking is free for the first hour, so don’t be intimidated by the parking fee.  Upstairs there are guides waiting to give advice, maps, and point you to the best trolley tour based on your interests. 2 Chicas are adventurous, so off we went to explore the city of good and evil.

2 Chicas Take On the Deen Machine

The Lady and Sons Restaurant – boy were 2 Chicas excited about visiting Paula’s place. The Deen Machine is big here in Savannah.  There are Paula Deen Tours and Paula Deen specials at local hotels. So 2 Chicas had to see what all the fuss is about.

First, we had to circle the block several times to find a parking space.  Much of the street parking is for 30 minutes only. Probably because everyone is trying to get to Paula’s place. So we had to bite the bullet and pull into the $10.00 all day parking lot.

BEWARE….Savannah’s parking enforcement is like the IRS, they are gonna get u!  We saw a lovely Jaguar being towed after being in a space past the allotted time frame.  Anyhoo, park smart!

Upon approaching the restaurant, the 2 Chicas both looked through the window like expectant children on Christmas morning.

Chica 1 said – oohhh look at the chicken, greens, macaroni and cheese, and sweet potatoes. 

Chica 2 exclaimed – lima beans and creamed corn!  The 2 Chicas picked a great time of day, about 3:00 p.m. We were seated immediately, which is a rare occurrence.

The restaurant is decorated in a country decor.  The tables are made out of old doors.  The doilies on the table are about the fanciest thing in the joint.

The waiter was polite, not to talkative, which is to be expected in a buffet style restaurant. He did forget to bring our bread.

We quickly dispatched the waiter to get our water. The 2 Chicas trotted off like two Clydesdales to get our plates and savor the awaiting delicacies. The fried chicken was good, but the macaroni and cheese and green beans were bad. After a reminder to the waiter, our bread was brought to the table.

The green beans tasted like a canned item and the macaroni and cheese was relatively cold.  We waited for a fresh batch of mac n cheese, and it was equally uninteresting.  The creamed corn was spectacular!  Creamy and slightly sweet it will remind you of home sweet home; it is a true comfort food.

The baked chicken was just average. The smaller pieces were tasty but the breast was dry. The sweet potatoes were great, sweet and delectable.

The greens were so salty they were inedible.  There was also a nondescript chicken and tomato sauce dish on the menu that was average. And the best we can say about the lima beans is that they were ok.

Chica 1 chuckled that by chasing the cult of personality that is Paula Deen, we were convinced to pay $15.99 for a lunch buffet that at home would cost $7.99. And at the very least, it is really good and would have more food selections. 

The desserts were a hit – Chica 2 said the peach cobbler was excellent and Chica 1 had the chocolate chip gooey cake which was delicioso.  The desserts actually made love to our taste buds!

After dinner, you can browse through Paula’s country store and even take a picture with a cardboard Paula and/or Paula and her sons.  There is a little area that serves coffee and desserts in the corner of the store.

So 2 Chicas say, pass up the overpriced, average tasting soul food and get some local grub!  If you are a Paula Deen fan, get some coffee and have a dessert.  They are scrumptious!

You are better off checking out the historic square across the street from the restaurant.  There's a lot of great history!

2 Chicas enjoyed strolling through the squares, people watching and reading the placards about the history in the area.

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