Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Pigeon Forge, TN and Gatlinburg, TN area

2 Chicas tour Mountainfolk Heaven
Years ago Chica 1 visited Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg, TN and couldn’t wait to experience it again. Pigeon Forge is the Smoky Mountain equivalent to Orlando, FL; a family vacation paradise! There are go karts, mini golf, water rafting, line zipping, and even a space needle. 
But for both Chica 1 and Chica 2, there were the more important opportunity to visit the Outlets at Pigeon Forge and obtain a little retail therapy for the tired outdoor adventurers.
It is also home to Dollywood, a theme park that superstar Dolly Parton is an operating partner. 
Now Chica 1 is NOT A THEME PARK FAN, but maintains the utmost respect for this great businesswoman! She founded the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, an initiative that provides books to children all over the country, and in Canada and the United Kingdom. 
Dolly, the 2 Chicas shout out your effort to foster a love of reading in young children! You GO GIRL!!
Now back to our travels, after the fun of retail therapy, Chica 1 and Chica 2 head over to Gatlinburg to hang out in the clouds! Now Gatlinburg is beautiful and designed for romance, so needless to say, Chica 1 and Chica 2 spent very little time here! 
But we did give the town the once over and there are a few things of interest. 
There is a skating rink that is open all year.  Chica 1 thought that was pretty neat, but thereare also a lot of arts and crafts going on in this little town. 
Check out the little stores on the main strip, and after walking past homemade candies, hand carvings, and paintings, it was time to grub. 
Chica 2 said all the trees made her hungry for Barbeque, go figure, so off we went to find grilled grub. Bennett’s BBQ fit the bill. 
The food was tasty and the drinks were perfecto mundo so the 2 Chicas were satisfied and ready to head back to Asheville.
 Forbidden Caverns – 2 Chicas Go Underground
As we traveled the back roads of North Carolina traversing over to Tennessee, we were mesmerized by the roadside signs inviting us to visit the Forbidden Caverns. 
Yes, curiosity got the best of us and we pulled over in Sevierville, TN (home of the great Dolly Parton), and stepped down into a world filled with natural phallic symbols.
Chica 2 got true pleasure in sniggling at each and every stalagmite growing from the base of the cave, and a few large guffaws from one or two stalactites. We made the best of the tour, and tried hard not to be a distraction. 
In true 2 Chicas style, we made up a few of our own stories along the way, but we did enjoy the tall tales spun by the guide, as well as the interesting history of the caves. 
If you love lofty accounts of ancient Indians and bootleggers, you will love this place. Chica 1 would classify the caverns as innocent family fun, but Chica 2, well, that’s just best left alone.  
A few tidbits about the actual walk, Chica 1 didn’t find it to be nearly as vigorous of a walk as it is promoted, so don’t worry, be happy, and have some fun.
Of course, if you are traveling with granny and grandpa or anyone with a walker, (Chica 1 did use a walking stick), the inclines may be too much for them.
This as with most things I have found work well by using good judgment based on your personal circumstances, so there it is, the 2 Chicas disclaimer.  Tee he he….
 The Great Smokey Mountains and 2 Chicas share in the area’s mystique.
That perpetual haze over the mountains is like some secret mist of the ancients.  It hovers overhead almost as if it is protecting the area, keeping something good in and not allowing anything bad.
Chica 2 swears the mist is from the ancients burning something in a mystical pipe. LAWD!! This really is a beautiful, scenic drive. 
Elk have been reintroduced into the forest so keep your eyes open and as in most wooded areas in this country; you just might run into a bear. It’s not likely, but it is possible. 
Chica 1 is so thankful that she has never had a bear encounter, and Chica 2 is glad as well.  Chica 2 would be so sad to leave Chica 1 to fend for herself with an unhappy bear. 
Of course Chica 1 thinks her chances might be good considering Chica 2 would start singing the “Bear Necessities” to the poor animal, allowing for a quick getaway.
Anyhoo, you would stand a better chance of seeing a flying squirrel, bats, and other animals, including the occasional snake, so keep your eyes open!
Chica 1 was amazed at the beautiful birds flitting from tree to tree, as if calling the entire forest to attention: “Come see, come see; the 2 Chicas are here!!” 
Chica 2 swears that is what they were singing, those star struck birds!

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