Monday, January 16, 2012

Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary

2 Chicas and the Broke down Birds

It is the weirdest thing when birds pose for pictures on the beach. 2 Chicas discovered the bird thingy has a lot to do with the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary being really close nearby. This conservation program houses the largest bird rescue hospital in the United States! 

It is amazing how many birds are hurt each year; the majority of the injuries are caused by humans. And as you know, they don’t have a health care plan either.  Chica 1 is particularly sensitive to sick things as she has suffered from a few painful ailments in her lifetime.  Some of which were caused by Chica 2!
Chica 1 keeps looking into each cage with a heavy heart. Walking through the sanctuary is somewhat strange.  There are strong vibrant birds in the trees overhead nesting.

But being in a cage isn’t where birds should be.  To see a healthy pelican soar and plunge down fast to the water to capture dinner is amazing.  To see a tern running down to the shoreline and take off in flight is a brief glimpse into heaven!

More able-bodied birds fly and land on the netting trying to get in on what they perceive to be a good thing!  Free food, water, and camaraderie! 

Chica 2 was busy searching each cage looking for a peg legged pelican, but to no avail. She must be watching far too many cartoons!

There is no admission charge.  Take a tour with staff and give a generous donation. Help staff reverse the damage caused by humans.

Chica 2 was going to give a single dollar and even her hard little heart was moved to give more.

Teach the kids what they can do to help.  Remember to make a difference wherever you are and however you can.

Visit the sanctuary and tell them 2 Chicas said now get to stepping early so that you can go get that worm early bird!  2 Chicas certainly try! 

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