Monday, January 16, 2012

Little Manatee River State Park

The 2 Chicas were headed south of Tampa to the Little Manatee River State Park, a quaint little park that allows for equestrian camping and easy living. 
Chica 2 emphasizes that it is really a little place on the prairie kind of location.  In her big momma voice, "You in the boondocks now baby."
Unlike the larger Hillsborough River State Park, there is no concession area, so purchase wood for a fire at the Ranger Station and bring just about everything else with you.
Of course, there is a Wal-Mart about five miles away so again, don’t worry, be happy!
There’s an area for fishing, hiking, horse riding trails BYOH (bring your own horse), and solitude.  The site was very sandy, so be prepared with the right kind of stakes.
There really isn’t a lot to do here but camp so bring things to keep you and the kids busy. The kids really enjoyed riding their bikes and throwing the frisbee in front of the camp area.
A little tip, don’t camp here in the summer in a tent.  Our tent held up like a charm, but the daily thunder and lightning storms were scary! 
At one point, Chica 1 thought she was Noah and Chica 2 and her crew were the rest of the family on the ark.  2 Chicas felt like it rained 40 days and 40 nights!
Obviously Chica 2 did everything right in terms of water proofing the tent, and she did a wonderful job of staking the tent against the winds, but we were trembling with the thought we would blow or wash away. Someone left our cake out in the rain, but it was still ok in the morning....
On a more positive note, we had a visit from “Timothy the Turtle” (a gopher tortoise) who was somewhat perplexed that we had set up camp on one of his frequented OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA routes. 
We moved a rope out of the way so that he could pass and off he went on his journey.  What a joy to see this protected animal in his natural habitat!!   
Chica 2 took the kids fishing at the little dock area and they got to witness a giant sturgeon slumbering down the river. 
The 2 Chicas didn't think sturgeon were found this far south, but what a fun thing for the kids to see.
Chica 1 reminded Chica 2 to wear covered shoes while exploring the wilderness, but in true beach bum fashion, Chica 2 wore flip flops. 
After two dozen red ant stings, she decided that maybe just this once, Chica 1 was right.
After a final night of whining and applying a soothing, cooling lotion to Chica 2, the 2 Chicas tore down the camp and tore up the road to the next adventure!

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