Thursday, January 19, 2012

Valley of Fire, NV

2 Chicas say the roof is on FIRE

On day 2, Chica 1 felt her spiritual moment was going to be in the Valley of Fire, the oldest and largest state park in Nevada.  

After driving from Las Vegas out to the park, Chica 1 had to the use the bathroom, and so upon pulling into the park, Chica 2 pulled up to the “pit”.  

Now Chica 2 loves to reference a scene from one of her favorite movies when a kid jumps into a poop pit to see his favorite soccer player. She worries that Chica 1 will fall into one of these park bathrooms.  

So as a caution, if you have not visited a rural park and need to go to the bathroom, they are often shell toilets with a pit beneath that holds the fury of the gates of hell.  

So much for a spiritual moment, that bathroom pit robbed Chica 1 of all her holy dignity.  That was gross!

Back to the Valley of Fire, it is a beautiful park with hot red rock formations and gorgeous desert sand. 

This place really gets its name honestly; it was hot as Friday night fish grease. Chica 2 was petrified of the holes in the ground, thinking that any moment; the serpent was coming to steal her long lost innocence. Whatever…. 

While kidding around, Chica 2 said she always wanted to fall into the sand and do a sand angel. 

So Chica 1 generously grabbed Chica 2’s arm, and flipped her into the sand.  Chica 2 said she landed on her hips on some rocks, but they looked like sand pebbles. Now make that fallen broken down sand angel. Tee hee hee.  

Chica 2, always the good sport, like the phoenix, slowly arose from the ashes and hobbled back to the car, muttering “that’s not quite what I had in mind…nut.”  

Now children, don’t try this at home - LOL.

Driving through the park, the 2 Chicas came across a picnic area which contained historic stone cabins.  

There are similar rock formations as found in Arizona’s beautiful Sedona area, so be on the lookout for Elephant Rock, Piano Rock, and Rainbow Vista.

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