Thursday, January 19, 2012

Death Valley, CA

2 Chicas and Hell’s Angels

Death Valley is a huge park that requires more time than you may think to see all the sights.  The 2 Chicas did not allocate enough time and consequently did not see everything, but what was seen was well worth the trip. 

Stop by the Ranger Station and get maps and much needed information on current park conditions.  The Ranger just may show you a scorpion or some other interesting find in the area. 

The week 2 Chicas visited, temperatures already reached 110 degrees at 10 a.m., and unfortunately, earlier in the week, a hiker got lost without adequate water and died in the park.

After leaving the Ranger Station, Chica 2 headed to Badwater Basin, the lowest point in North America.  It is a white salt flats area that you can walk out on and marvel at being way below sea level.  

Some areas on the flats have holes where you can see the toxic water beneath.  

After Chica 2 walked out on the flats and took pictures, she shared that if some serious changes aren’t made in her life, she got a brief glimpse into where she’ll spend eternity. Just joking. 

There are a number of abandoned mines in the park so stay away.  You’re not going to find anything in them except the end date for your tombstone.  

Spend your alive time enjoying the twisting and winding roads going through the park.  

Artists Drive has very narrow passages, but enjoy the colorful rocks and barren beauty of the deceitfully alive desert. 

There are rattlesnakes, scorpions and black widow spiders, so caution is the word – not fear!!

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