Friday, January 20, 2012

Great Basin National Park, NV

2 Chicas - Mountain Mommas

So Chica 1, still lacking spiritual inspiration, desired to partake of the Bristlecone Pine trees found at the Great Basin National Park in north eastern Nevada.  

Chica 2 began the drive from Las Vegas complaining of a craving for snacks, so after listening to the whining for an hour and a half, the car veered off the road at a convenience store for a bathroom and snack break. 

While headed to the restrooms, Chica 2 became mesmerized by the ladies shackled together in a line, and shared that she "peed very quietly" so as not to gain the attention of the convicts.  

Chica 2 was worried that one of the ladies would take her hostage, steal her cookies, and escape like something in a poor quality, low budget, made for TV movie. 

So Chica 2 bid her bathroom buddies farewell, and with Doritos in her mouth, candy bar in her pocket, and orange Sunkist in hand, returned to the open range roads of Nevada satisfied for at least another two hours.

This is a very scenic drive with lots of opportunities to stop in ghost towns as well as a number of smaller state parks. Chica 1 was patient with all of Chica 2’s tomfoolery just to get to Great Basin. And it was worth the drive.  

You wind through the most beautiful drive looking down to the valley outside the park. 

The 2 Chicas pulled into the Visitors Center and overheard the Ranger telling a family that if they wanted to see the Bristlecone pine trees, they would have to go out of the park and rent snow shoes to hike out to the area.  

Chica 1 looked over at Chica 2, always ready to go, in her strongest voice,"not today."

We ascended to the very top of the mountain only to find the trails were really closed due to heavy snow. The 2 Chicas mused that the Rangers actually must know what they are talking about. 

Chica 2, always upbeat, ran through the snow with flip flops, accepted a few well aimed snowballs from Chica 1, and posed barefoot for a quick picture in the snow.  Chica 1 pouted but soon got back into good spirits as Chica 2 spread out a wonderful picnic lunch.  

After sharing a moment on top of our little piece of the world, the 2 Chicas descended to another lookout point.

We sat on the bench and looked over a valley inside the park, and together, the 2 Chicas felt the strongest spiritual presence and such a sense of peace.  There was the echo of water rushing in the distance and the song of joyful birds overhead. 

The smell of the crisp mountain air drawn deep into our lungs and the touch of the breeze blowing across our face. The very best thing was the contentment of two friends enjoying another moment in the majesty of God. 

Isn’t that just how God is? When you have a plan and it falls through, He provides the better experience to remind you that He is in charge and He knows best. 

No matter how brilliant man becomes, the perfection found in nature cannot be replicated on cd, dvd or 3d, and especially not on a $5 bootleg. Only Chica 2, lawd!!

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