Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tuzigoot National Monument - Camp Verde, AZ

2 Chicas Gasping in Ruins

A little farther to the south of Sedona is Tuzigoot, which isn’t as fancy smancy as some of the other monuments you may visit, but it is amazing none the less. 

This little village ruin sits up about two to three stories and contains about 110 rooms.  

The main path to the top of the village is quite strenuous, so Chica 2 ran ahead to the top of the pueblo, leaving her friend behind. But the ever brilliant Chica 1, found a shorter, easier ramp to the top. 

There stood Chica 1 smiling, as Chica 2 gasping for air, asked in captured breaths, “how in the heck did you get here?”  Then Chica 2, in her normal crazy fashion, said a couple of choice words, and then posed graciously for pictures.  

As the 2 Chicas looked out over the Verdi River and Tavasci Marsh, the sounds of nature called out “always remember”.  The 2 Chicas thought how wonderful it is to preserve such a rich history.
2 Chicas marveled at the quality construction. 

We thought about the arduous task of lugging the rocks up to this elevation. Imagine carefully chiseling and placing each stone. Ooooh, the 2 Chicas are already tired! 

To think this was once a bustling area for trade and alive with life! Can you imagine that one day people may be roaming through your neighborhood wondering what happened to the inhabitants? Wow!
This place obviously existed long before the “bigger is better” philosophy overcame the world.   

The 2 Chicas mull over the idea that back then, cooperation and collaboration were truly necessary to survive, not just a fell good slogan. Whoosh….

Before you leave be sure to admire the beautiful valley below!

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