Monday, January 16, 2012

Brooksville Area - Nature Coast

2 Chicas and the tail of Weeki Wachee

Chica 1 is so nostalgic.  She is always talking to Chica 2 about the “old Florida” before the whole Disney World corridor was constructed.  So the 2 Chicas set off in search of the tourist attractions that dotted the state back in the good old days that were really just ok.
Weeki Wachee is home to the infamous mermaid show, thus the “tail” of the park.  Upon entering Weeki Wachee, get familiar with the schedule so that you may enjoy all of the mermaid and animal shows. 
The park employees are very good at engaging the children during the native animal show.  Be sure to get a picture of the kids petting an alligator.  Not you Chica 2!
Take the boat tour down Weeki Wachee springs.  The guide points out alligators, birds, and enormous fish.  There were so many bass, Chica 2 had to be restrained from jumping overboard and doing some good old fashioned red neck hand fishing!
After a hot boat ride, there’s nothing more refreshing than stopping in the little café for a bite to eat. The hamburgers were very good and the kids really enjoyed the ice cream.  Then on to the first mermaid show.
While this show was relatively entertaining, the Little Mermaid show is the star attraction.  It has an engaging story line; it is action packed, and the performers really get the audience going!
Chica 2 had to admit that she was impressed with how long the performers could hold their breath underwater.  She wanted to try, but the actors ran away saying something about when pigs fly. 
After the show you can have your picture taken with one of the mermaids. Great innocent fun! Tell them 2 Chicas can still hear the song of the siren!!
2 Chicas and the Attack of the Seagulls
Pine Island is a quaint little beach just east of Weeki Wachee.  The 2 Chicas decided to take a picnic bbq lunch over and check it out.  Unbeknownst to the 2 Chicas, this beach is home to a thieving gang of seagulls, specially trained in hand to hand food combat theft.
As Chica 1 prepared the grill for a quickie hotdog delight, Chica 2 was savoring a garden variety chocolate chip cookie. Just as she was about to take a bite, along came a seagull just as quiet as can be, snatched that cookie, and flew up in a tree! 
Chica 2 jumped up and ran behind the cookie snatching bird, but to no avail, the bird had the advantage of being a flying thief. Chica 2 tried to take flight but sadly remained bound to earth.  She was beside herself, especially since it seemed that dastardly seagull was soaring around mocking the 2 Chicas.
Chica 2 sat down dejected and had to be reminded that there was an entire package of cookies awaiting her longing taste buds. Chica 2 guardedly snacked away....
Five minutes later, the 2 Chicas watched in horror as an older beachcomber was accosted by the birds for her sandwich. This gang runs that beach!
Chica 2, in an attempt to soothe her hurt feelings, purchased French fries at the stand on the beach. As she was returning to the shelter, another bird swooped down and hit her hand in an attempt to make her drop her fries. 
2 Chicas looked around fearfully for Alfred Hitchcock and Tippi Hedren….
There’s a nice playground for the kids and it’s fun to walk down the beach during low tide exploring the things left behind by the water. 
You can go wander out quite a little distance and gaze at the kayakers.  2 Chicas say big bad bird stay away, we want to come back another day!
2 Chicas at Homosassa Springs
After finding the parking area for the Ellie Schiller Visitor Center, the Chicas were almost immediately transported back to the 1950's.  This is another example of old Florida, so prepare yourself for a visit to easy street. 
You have the option of paying now or paying after the boat ride, so the 2 Chicas hopped onto the pontoon without a care in the world. This adventure began with a fun 20 minute leisurely ride to the main entrance of the park.
The guide was very informative. Chica 1 warns that you may need to slather up with sunscreen as the boat was not covered.  Chica 2 wanted to mount the “cute little gator” sunbathing on a log. 
Chica 2, his mouth is not open because he is saying “come on over”.  He’s really saying, "here comes dinner!"
The guide shared that the Native Americans named the springs after the trees that grow red berries in the area, but the term literally means red pepper. 
The guide was also very good about sharing local nature and historical facts for those who were from other parts of the country.
The admission fee of the park is reasonable considering that part of the mission is to preserve and rescue injured animals.  You can also donate additional dollars to support the manatees. 
The springs are spectacular.  The water is crystal clear and in some areas quite deep. Explore the observation deck and go downstairs to see the springs from an underwater perspective. 
The water is full of a variety of fish.  Chica 2 was seen running around the underwater viewing center with the other 3 and 4 year olds pointing and screaming, "what’s the name of that fish?"  "Boy, isn't that one big?"
After being redirected a number of times, she patiently went through the center and noted the types of species, which included gigantic snook, sheepshead, and grunts.
Chica 2 suddenly became hungry and asked one of the rangers if they fried up any of these fish in the café.  Sadly, the 2 Chicas had to settle for chicken….
Chica 1’s chicken wrap was very delectable and Chica 2 had chicken tenders with honey mustard.  Chica 2 will make a more mature selection in the future as the chicken tenders were not very gentle on her digestive system.
Next up, the manatee show. 2 Chicas were so excited to anticipate what the show would entail, but were quickly disappointed.  A reminder to park employees, USE THE MICROPHONE! 
Not that the information was either informative or exciting, but it's the principle of the thing.  The show basically consisted of the ranger throwing lettuce in the water and speaking in a monotone voice. 
Chica 2 had to be stopped from throwing one of her chicken tenders in the water with a gentle reminder that the manatees are vegetarians.  So after a few unentertaining moments, off the 2 Chicas went to explore the rest of the park.
While the West Indian manatees are the stars  of the park, Lu the hippopotamus was also a large, stinky sight for the eyes. Chica 2 has a special infatuation with broken things.  She says that is why she just luvs Chica 1! Tee he hee

The park is laid out in a large oval so you can't get lost and will end up at your starting point.
The humongous alligators, with their lazy selves, were sunning, which bored Chica 2. So she decided that she wanted to go splash around with a whole lot of injured birds. She fancies herself some sort of stork in the Karate Kid kind of way….
Later, Chica 2 did her infamous sick buzzard cry, the wolves tried to run back into their pen, the flamingos tried to hide their heads in the water, and the owls became agitated. 
Anyhoo, many of the birds were missing wings for a variety of reasons, and Chica 2 was infatuated with a “pimping”, injured bald eagle.  She thought he was a mack daddy! 
There are black bears, a Florida panther, a bobcat, and a gazillion other animals so saddle up and enjoy!  Tell them 2 Chicas said 2 (or should we say 4) thumbs up ! Tee hee hee....
2 Chicas and the Yulee Sugar Mill Ruins
Please believe, when something says ruins, the area really is in ruins!  This site is the remains of a sugar mill, but it is in extremely poor repair and general maintenance.  The grounds are over run with weeds and there were no information pamphlets available. 
The displays in front of some of the items were faded and did not do service to the great historical significance of the site. 
Nonetheless, this was free and very informational. Chica 2 wants to get one piece of sugarcane and try her hand at making homemade sugar. 
Chica 1 suggested she sticks to purchasing it from the store.  Chica 2 is not known for a hard physical work ethic…Tee hee he
While in the Brooksville area, try eating at The Thai Room.  The food is really fresh and the service is amazingly good.  Our waiter shared detailed information on the dishes and the types of spices available.  Chica 1 had the Amazing Beef and Chica 2 had the Chicken Vegetable mix. The waiter was very informative and helped Chica 2 make a decision.  Thank goodness because Chica 1 was hungry. Check out The Thai Room and tell them 2 Chicas said we like it spicy!

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