Tuesday, January 17, 2012


2 Chicas and the Natives

Check out the Oconaluftee Indian Village in Cherokee, NC.  2 Chicas really enjoy visiting Native American sites throughout the country and this little village doesn’t disappoint.
The history of the area dates back some 11,000 years, which is some really old history for America or anybody else for that matter.
Back to modern times, depending on the time of the year you visit, check out the beautiful river. Sit on a rock or fish or take out a boat, but be sure to spend some time near the water.
The drive to Cherokee is beautiful and winding, that is until you get right near the actual village, and then you are see signs of the times. 
There’s even a Harrod’s Casino that the Chicas hate to even mention, but we do understand that the native people have to maximize their financial opportunities. 
Chica 2 always gets really emotional when stepping onto tribal lands, but I suspect she is really just trying to get her hands on an authentic peace pipe for a ceremonial smoke.
I can only imagine the treaty Chica 2 would be willing to enter into with our Native American friends.  So Outrageous, but funny!!  
Stop in the souvenir shops and eat at one of the little restaurants.  Once you had your fill, the drive back to Asheville is solitary and beautiful.  There is something about allowing the soul a moment of solitude, when there is just the predominate sound of nature.
Sounds that return one to a rarely visited place. 
Chica 1 really enjoys and needs these moments more than can be expressed.  That quiet time with God and nature gives Chica 1 goose bumps! Chica 2 on the other hand gets her goose bumps from a Hershey’s Chocolate Bar and an ice cold Sunkist soda– go figure. 

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