Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Suwanee River State Park and Suwanee Town

2 Chicas and the High Rise over the River

About five miles off I-10 is the Suwannee River State Park.  It is a nice, quaint little park for camping, picnicking and looking over the famous Suwannee River. 
The view from the bluff in the park is beautiful.  You can actually see where the Withlachoochee (now try and say that three times) and Suwannee Rivers intersect.
There are cabins and camping should you want to stay and explore.

2 Chicas only stayed for a few minutes with every intention of returning.  So we will be back Suwanee River!

2 Chicas and a Dead End

The 2 Chicas were on the road again, looking for some fun, so why not stop in the city where the Suwannee River dumps into the Gulf of Mexico. 
After a quiet drive out to the city, the street dead ends. 
It’s so sad for so much of Chica 1’s beloved Florida to be for sale to the highest bidder. 
Fortunately, a few areas are still set aside for the general public.  There is a nice area with benches that one can sit and enjoy the water.
The Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge is a bumpy dirt road into the forest surrounding the river. 
We spotted a few birds and a black snake came out to peek at the visiting luminaries.
After a drive through this area, we were ready to get, get, get going.
Not much was happening in the Town of Suwanne so back to the road.

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