Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Northern Arizona Overview

So many people associate Arizona with the desert and the dry conditions found in Phoenix and Tucson, but the 2 Chicas know better. 
Chica 1 would have the same recurring dream at some point every night for the past year that she was by the water having a spiritual encounter with God.
The desire to fulfill this dream was so strong, and on different nights, the dream would involve elements of Sedona.
So the 2 Chicas came to Arizona to immerse ourselves in the beauty of the mountains and canyons as well as to explore red rock country and get to the heart of that dream. 
Of course there are so many other plusses to this beautiful state, but you’re going to have to keep reading to discover just a few of those gems!
Ok, so the 2 Chicas flew into Phoenix and began our trunk travels by getting the rental car and planning our tracks between Phoenix and Flagstaff. 
After getting the car, the 2 Chicas threw our luggage in the trunk and headed to the nearest Wal-Mart.
We picked up a few snacks, purchased a cheap cooler and loaded it with our favorite non-alcoholic beverages of the moment. We then hooked up the rental car radio with a converter so it would play our mp3. Nothing like having fun and funky songs just for the road!!
Needless to say, by the time we got on the road to Flagstaff, it was beginning to get dark and Chica 1’s sinuses were flaring up like a sandstorm in a hot, musty locker room! Tee he he…. So off we go flying in our rented “chicachoces” zipping along a winding, mountainous road. 
On more than one occasion, Chica 1 had difficulty deciding if the traffic on the opposite side of the road was heading at us for a horrific crash.  Just to reassure you, we were on a divided interstate highway (I-17).
This erratic behavior made my trusty co-conspirator, Chica 2, force me to pull over by pretending to be starving, as she looked over and thankfully saw the golden arches. 
This particular drive was the first of a few significant hints that perhaps Chica 2 was the better long distance driver, but we will share more in later adventures.

Please give us your feedback!

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