Monday, January 16, 2012


2 Chicas want to encourage you to get out there and explore the world, hemisphere, country, state, county, or city.
Here is a good way to start:  
*Jot down a list of places that you want to see before now, next year, in two years, etc. Select locations that make your soul sing!
*If you are travel shy, maybe you could begin with a few places near your home to determine all of your travel  preferences.  
Take a short day trip. It requires little planning, but still offer tons of fun.  

We have included such trips in our blog to give you an idea of things you can explore in your own backyard, especially if you live in one of the states we have visited.
The 2 Chicas love good food so we try a variety of restaurants.
*if you have a favorite cuisine, incorporate that love for Italian, American, Steak, Seafood, Mexican, Amish, and so on into your travel plans. 
*check the internet city guide sites for the places you choose to visit.  They provide tips for the time of year you will visit and sometimes offer specials that you can’t pass up. 
* always, always check the weather in your travel location for at least a three day period prior and three to five days during your visit.  It will clue you into what could be some very interesting as well as challenging weather conditions.

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