Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Montezuma Castle National Monument - Arizona

2 Chicas High-rise in the Sky

Montezuma Castle adds additional intrigue to the Verde Valley area, and is the 2 Chicas official "UNEXPECTED GEM!”

The 2 Chicas visited Montezuma Castle on a rainy day, but that did not take away from the beauty of the site.  We spent time in the visitor’s center looking at the displays of the native inhabitants.  Their ability to create such sustainable beauty did not slip past 2 Chicas!

As we meandered down the trails that surround the site, the 2 Chicas could not help but pause to listen to the sounds of nature.  

We also reviewed the informative placards and discussed the interesting lifestyle of the Sinagua people. Of course Chica 1 could not see herself skinning that muskrat for the nightly meal!

Chica 2 wanted to go up in the structure and pretend she was waiting for her great Indian hunter to come home and receive a proper reward for a hard day of work.  Chica 2 don’t be so forward!

It is suddenly up our eyes go to the star of the show.  The structure is astounding! Chica 2 was disappointed to find that the interior of the structure is off limits. 

So the 2 Chicas explored the path, sat by the river and reflected on the great history of the people, and wondered aloud if this was what George Jefferson and Weezy had in mind. Tee hee he

Montezuma Castle is like a high rise apartment complex built in the side of a cliff. 

Chica 2 burst into song singing – “now we moving on up! To the eastside. To a deluxe apartment in the cliffs.”  Calm down Chica 2, it was only a joke.

To think that some ingenious folk crafted these dwellings thousands of years ago, and although deserted, and crumbling from being abandoned, these dwellings still stand!

That’s more than the 2 Chicas can say about a lot of “civilized” places we visit throughout the country. Tee hehe he 

2 Chicas had Fun hun!!

On our way back to Sedona from Montezuma Castle, Chica 2 was discussing how powerful the experience in Sedona had been.  As she began the descent into Sedona, just past Red Rock State Park, she became misty eyed and confessed she had never experienced such tranquility. 

As tears rolled down her face, she could only say over and over, “it’s so beautiful” and “I’ve never been so at peace.”  

Chica 2 filled with divine sentiments? What? It was almost too much to grasp, but as difficult as it is to describe the feeling in words, these internal stirrings provide such a depth of meaning to spiritual treasures. 

Of course, by the time we got back to the middle of the town, she had returned to her old self.  The sacred was replaced by an insatiable hunger for steak. 

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