Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Savannah, GA - Part 2

2 Chicas Fancy Footwork at the Fountain  

Forsythe Park is a wonderful oasis in the middle of the city.  There are two nice sized playgrounds for little and not so little children. Bikers seemed to whisk by every minute.

The 2 Chicas really enjoyed stomping through the autumn leaves.  Chica 2 gathered quite a few leaves for future craft projects. 

A gentleman sitting on a bench joked that the 2 Chicas needed a rake.  The locals are friendly.

So if you are from a place in America that keeps the head down and avoids eye contact with others, you’re in for a shock.

Be prepared to say “Good morning”, “Hello”, or “How are you?”  You may want to practice in front of the mirror at home – tee hee he. By the way, that Chica 2 gathered enough leaves to make a primitive roll of toilet paper.

There was a group rehearsing for a wedding that was to be held the next day so it added a special ambiance to the visit.  The fountain is an iconic symbol of Savannah.

How fitting was it that 2 Chicas, icons in their own mind, were posed next to a swan spewing water from her mouth.  Or was that Chica 2?

At some point during the visit, the 2 Chicas found themselves skipping down the path looking for another adventure.

Chica 1 could be heard singing Ease on Down the Road in her Diana Ross voice.  Chica 2 makes a mean Scarecrow with those fancy dance moves!

2 Chicas and A Little Known History Fact

The Weeping Time Park was home to the largest slave sale in Georgia. It is a lonely, tiny park in the middle of a declining neighborhood.

It really does look like a sad place. 2 Chicas thought they made a wrong turn looking for such a place of historical significance.

This is a history that really touches the heart; 436 children and adults were sold.

Families were separated and dispersed in one day to satisfy a gambling debt.  Tragic!  There’s no
address so if your GPS accepts coordinates they are N 32° 05.2299    W 081° 07.50126

There is a single solitary bench in the park. Spend a moment reflecting on the sad and often silenced history of this great country.

2 Chicas shared a slice of time, mingled tears of the present with those of the past, and left the area still hearing the chants of a people long since gone.

2 Chicas Down by the Savannah River

River Street – when the 2 Chicas turned onto River Street, we just knew we were headed for trouble.  It looks like a narrow, back alley where you would drive head on into a trolley.  But you don’t.

Go down right by the Savannah River and park in one of the many small lots.  Begin your adventure by stopping into one of the many shops or restaurants. 

Don’t forget to look at the pirate ships and other art items by the water.

Chica 2 had to be reminded not to jump on board one of the luxury yachts docked at the boat sleeves.  It is a scenic little area.  The large cruise ships and barges roll by and Chica 1 could feel her blood pressure lowering.  Chica 2 was not satisfied with that so she also threatened to jump on the pirate ship and pretend she was Jackie Sparrow – tee hee hee. I guess that won’t raise Chica 1’s blood pressure too much.

The 2 Chicas were very moved by the sculpture of the family torn from their home land and brought to Savannah to be enslaved for the rest of their lives.

It represents the long journey to freedom from shackles to wing tips.  As only 2 Chicas could say it! 

There’s plenty of drinking available on River Street and some of it was cheap.

Chica 1 saw quite a few cheap looking women and one or two crackheads– tee hee hee!  Street vendors are everywhere, some make roses out of palm fronds. 

Somehow, they actually convince a few people to buy them. Why? The best answer the 2 Chicas can come up with is to contribute to the economy and commemorate the visit.

Chica 2 says the roses are pretty – in a primitive way.  There was a street singer doing a Louie Armstrong impression and a trio farther down the street singing old school harmoniously. 

2 Chicas say - Have a quirky good time down on River Street.

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