Tuesday, January 17, 2012

White Springs, FL

State of Florida’s Nature & Heritage Tourism Center - 2 Chicas Go Au Natural
As you enter the city of White Springs, you immediately are taken back in time. 
You cross the Suwannee River and pretty quickly notice old stately homes that have seen better days. 
The cultural center is found just before the flashing light and stop sign at the intersection of U.S. Highway 41 and State Road 136.
The cultural center has everything you ever wanted to know about Florida but was afraid to ask. 
Chica 2 though did have the nerve to ask if the dolls were ever involved in any voodoo rituals. Stop it Chica 2!
The center is divided into regions and there are brochures and maps for just about everything there is to do.
But remember the focus is nature as well as the customs of state pioneers, which is just what the 2 Chicas ordered! 
Chica 1 grabbed up so many materials, the nice Ranger had to give her a bag for all that booty. (The paper kind for those with questionable minds….)
There are displays of simple treasures from yesterdays when Florida was just being tamed.  
Unlike Chica 2, the cultural center is organized and orderly, which seemed to drive her crazy.
Take a minute and check it out and remember to tell them 2 Chicas said the center made us feel like two natural chicas! Oh baby!
White Springs – 2 Chicas Go Springing
The town of White Springs was incorporated in 1885, but as with most of America, the Indians were here long before. 
The springs (hence the name White Springs) were considered valuable by the Indians for healing the sick and wounded and so others began to come here in search of a miracle. 
Chica 2 threatened to throw Chica 1 into the Springs and wait for a miracle to heal Chica 1's flippant mouth. 
Of course while visiting New York, Chica 2 also searched 34th Street looking for Kris Kringle.  Aww for the child in all of us.
The town’s popularity grew with the explosion of Stephen Foster’s song “Old Folks at Home”, which contains the line “Way Down upon the Suwannee River”…
If you are into historical things, take the walking tour of the city.  It’s self guided, and remember to pick up the brochure about the homes at the tourism center.
Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park – 2 Chicas and the Suwannee River
As Chica 1’s dear friend Deedle probably knows, Stephen Foster was born near Pittsburgh.  What is it about those folks born in the burgh?  At some point they are Florida bound – tee hee he. 
Anyhoo, this guy was quite a prolific creative force and is considered by many to be the first American professional songwriter. 
The park has an Indian village right at the entrance of the park.  After you enter, you will first go to the Museum and directly behind the museum is the 97 bell Carillon Tower. 
Inside the museum there are hand crafted dioramas of a few of Foster’s more popular songs.
Each is animated; the horses actually run and the paddle wheel of the boat turns.
The pianos on display are spectacular.  Some are simple, but others are much more elegant and ornate.
The rooms are set up to depict real items from Foster’s era. 
The Carillion plays at regular two hour intervals and can be heard all over the park. 
Visit the other areas section make sure you go down to the real star of the area – the Suwannee River.  It’s still alive and well after all these years.
There’s also a campground, ten miles of scenic trails, cabins, canoe launch, fresh water fishing, and picnic areas. 
Check out the craft square and let the kids run in the playground. Enjoy this hidden gem and tell them that 2 Chicas actually said Do da do da race your way to the Suwannee River! All the do da day!
Big Shoals State Park – 2 Chicas Say Big Bust….
The 2 Chicas were so excited to go see the only rapids in the State of Florida. After all the fun in White Springs, the chicas drove over to the Little Shoals entrance of the park.
Now the thing about this park is that it is decidedly for biking, horseback riding or hiking down to the river, but not for driving. 
The roads are not paved and are extremely bumpy.  Chica 2 threatened to sue the state for an all wheel alignment.
Chica 1 wanted to go down to the Little Shoals rapids and hike down the trail to see the white water. 
The trails were difficult to follow, but the roads were just gosh darn awful. 
They are poorly marked, if marked at all.  Maybe the Big Shoals entrance is better, but for this to be the best white water the state, the park should receive superior maintenance.
After bumping, carumping, and lumping down Road 1 to Road 6 and arriving at the end of Road 6, the 2 Chicas began a very creepy hike looking for the Little Shoals rapids. 
The forest is dense and again, the trail is very narrow and not well maintained. 
After hearing the spirits of the forest and nothing else, the 2 Chicas turned around and high tailed it back to the car for a bumpy, bum rummy ride back to exit the park. 
Now nature is what we love, but this place just weirded us out. So tell em 2 Chicas said clean it up and let’s get to rafting!

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