Tuesday, January 17, 2012


2 Chicas say Never More!
You may be familiar with the story of Rosewood because of the 1997 movie with the same title. 2 Chicas went in search of the place that used to be a thriving Black community.
The city of Rosewood is now relegated to a marker on the side of the road.  There is a church and a business that carry the name, but little else remains. 
The sad history is more than the 2 Chicas can bear, but the resilience of the survivors, as well as those who helped, strengthens the heart. 
The 2 Chicas sat by the side of the road and wondered how it was possible that human beings can treat each other so cruelly. 
As cars zipped by, the 2 Chicas reflected on the horrific events of that evening in 1923.  

Chica 1 wondered aloud just how many people even stopped at the marker ANYMORE.
The 2 Chicas poured out some Diet Ginger ale in homage to those who perished.
After a couple of sips for the road, the 2 Chicas headed home with a heavy heart and a heavier hope that this type of senseless violence will happen NEVER MORE!!

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