Thursday, July 18, 2013

Seattle and Vacinity

2 Chicas Come Rain and No Shine

Landing in Seattle, the weather held up to its Northwestern Pacific reputation. Cloudy with some sun and lots of sprinkles of rain. Uh oh Chica 2, it's starting to rain even harder. Then it stopped and started yet again. 

The rain seemed to be contingent upon Chica 1 trying to take pictures. 2 Chicas follows recommendations for the area; we dressed in layers and wore comfortable hiking shoes. On top of the layers, we had a sturdy wind/rain breaker.
Kerry Park in the Queen Ann Hill section of Seattle is a beautiful residential area that provides a perfect view of the city skyline and the infamous Space Needle. 2 Chicas could not see Mt. Rainer as it started raining pretty steadily.

The huge Ferris wheel is clearly visible from this spot as are the boats and cruise liners docked at the port.  Elliott Bay is stunning from this location so be sure to stop by this little park. Some of the smaller tours bring their customers up to Kerry Park to check out the outstanding view of the city, but with a handy GPS, you can come up here on your own.

2 Chicas head over to REI, which has a flagship store in Seattle and boy is it huge! There is a full size rock climbing wall in the store. 

The full size running waterfall/brook in the front of the store immediately catches the eye. Chica 2 precociously poses in front of the clock for Mount Everest.  She's always in Lala Land - our little make believe queen!  Could it be that just for a minute the rain has stopped? Why yes it has!

Chica 2 ran through the store and developed a wish list of products that would require a fleet of van lines and a personal escort from the bank to secure. Lawd! You can only sleep in one tent at a time Chica 2, what will you do with 20?  She doesn't care; she's still in the midst of her fantasy land excursion.

Three kayaks? Unbelievable! It takes a lure from the fishing department (dangled in her face) to get her out of the store. Now come the elaborate stories of the camping and hiking trips we will take, but have not come close to experiencing on previous trips. It's coming! Yes, Chica 2 it sure is....

2 Chicas seem to be all over the city of Seattle after only a few hours on the ground. It's time to get something to eat and Ezell's Famous Chicken is calling our names. Here we come Ezell, please make sure the chicken is hot. Boy is it ever!

The particular store we stopped in did not have seating, but it had some sure fire, crispy, crunchy, umm umm good chicken and sides! Pair this treat with the yeasty rolls and 2 Chicas were in chicken coop heaven! Baked beans, macaroni and cheese, peach cobbler, corn, well everything was good. Now we need to walk it off!

How about a stroll along the Seattle Waterfront Chica 1? Sounds like a fine idea. Once we get close, we quickly realize that it's a zoo down on Alaskan Way! There are cruise ships in the port with passengers boarding and leaving to explore the city.

In another area along the waterfront, passengers were lined up to take the Washington State Ferry to Bainbridge Island or Bremerton, and others were simply milling about the docks. There are restaurants, shops, and of course the iconic Pike Place Market.  

2 Chicas would explore that behemoth of a bazaar when we return to Seattle at the end of the week. Chica 2 was ready to get to the great outdoors, so like a child she was pressuring to leave. Well, since you are in such a rush, let's get to going Chica 2!

2 Chicas Fall for the Roar!

A few choruses of a 2 Chicas made up song and quite a few miles of up and down travel on rain slicked roads begin to wear on us. If we were not so excited to see Snoqualmie Falls, we might have paused at some quiet roadside restaurant for a cup of coffee, but Chica 2 was insistent. She wanted to see cascading water powerfully falling over a cliff. Well really!

We finally arrive in the town of Snoqualmie Falls. 2 Chicas see signs pointing to the actual waterfall, and Chica 1 is excited due to the city's link to one of her former favorite television shows. 

Many scenes used in the television show Twin Falls were actually filmed in Snoqualmie Falls. Naturally Chica 2 was disinterested in such trivia. She never heard of this cult classic!
So 2 Chicas sped through the little town in search of the falls. A two lane road twisted and turned near the falls. 2 Chicas turned into the parking lot unsure of which side of the street the falls fell. As usual, our initial guess was correct and off we hiked, beckoned nearer by the powerful sound of water.

Chica 1 noticed that even before she could see the falls her camera was being covered by a damp mist. After rounding the corner, a spectacular sight was in front of us - a rip roaring waterfall. Chica 2 exclaimed it was an itsy bitsy Niagra Falls -  could we possibly have stumbled upon another hidden jewel! 

Well maybe not - Chica 1 says she read on the website that the falls have over a million visitors each year. 2 Chicas guess Snoqualmie Falls were just their personal little hidden jewel.

There are walking trails and observation platforms. The falls are lighted up at night for a beautiful moonlight diversion. 2 Chicas say com hear the roar and enjoy the mist!

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