Saturday, July 27, 2013

Seattle and Vacinity Part 2

2 Chicas and the Apple of Our Eye

Driving along the inside the deep green forests Chica 2 was in rare form. Singing made up songs and telling tall tales, she was in fantasy heaven. So when she suddenly yelled "what's that?" Chica 1 thought she saw an imaginary mother
ship. But lo and behold, a group of elk were slowly crossing the street. They actually looked like a group of gang members daring us to cross into their territory and sure enough, we kept a healthy distance from them!

After they crossed, dear Chica 2 was in a quiet happy place. She looked thoughtfully into the forest, and drove more cautiously - just in case. How utterly unexpected and better yet, pleasant!
Wentachee is a valley town in eastern Washington better known as the Apple Capitol of the world. Row after row of neatly groomed apple trees are planted in every large area for as far as the eye can see. Some are planted on the side of hills and others next to the beautiful home. A few farmers list their variety – “Golden”, but most do not.

Chica 1 shares that Wentachee is technically considered a desert. Chica 2 was quickly bored and began singing "whoo, whooo, who who who... cares!" Not very nice Chica 2.  Unlike Seattle, Wentachee claims to have 300 days of sunshine! That's pretty spectacular, even by our Florida standards. Now Chica 2 wants to frolic through some apple groves and see if we can reenact a scene from the Wizard of Oz.  Chica 1 would willingly throw a few apples at that little Applehead Chica 2!

Oh well, 2 Chicas will have to get into some mischief with apples another time, because today Walla Walla Point Park beckons us to come.   The views are beautiful from the park. 

The Columbia River meanders through the city and of course through Walla Walla Point Park. The park is really quite an active recreational area - there are trails for hiking, picnic shelters, tennis court, fishing pier, softball and soccer complex, horseshoe pits, and swimming. 

 It is also home to a gazillion geese and their offspring. There were feathers and gaggling geese everywhere. Chica 2 went from great adventurer to Little Miss Scaredypants!

She kept saying "That goose is looking at me; I think she thinks I'm going to snatch a little goose! But you know I would never do that!" Calm down Chica 2, the geese really don't want any problems!

Chica 1 loves public art and pauses at a whimsical statue of a coyote leading a salmon up the river. You really have to visit to get the whole story! Not one of those gaggle of geese bothered us as we walked through the park. Watch for the goose poop, it is literally everywhere!

As we were leaving the park, we observed the Town Toyota Center because it looked a little out of place right across the street from this wonderful park. It is quite a modern building that can hold 5,000 people. 

Chica 2 suggests that it could serve as an emergency holding place for all the apples in town. Please Chica 2, get a hold of yourself, but it is a funny thought. 

Maybe 2 Chicas could come back to town to see the local hockey team play as that is one of the Center's uses. We'd just have to make sure Chica 2 doesn't try to play 'Duck Duck Goose' with the park's inhabitants!
2 Chicas Can't Check Into Chelan
Chica 2 doesn't understand why we need to visit Lake Chelan. You see, while it is on the way to the North Cascade mountains, it is a detour in her mind. 

Chica 1 reminds her that Lake Chelan is the third deepest lake in the nation. Well that little tidbit seems to change Chica 2's attitude, but only for a minute. 

Somehow, it propels her into Auto Fantasyland. Chica 2 thinks she could dive into the lake, go many leagues under, and see if she can find the Loch Ness Monster. 

Now the mountains down Lake Chelan do give it quite a European look and feel, specifically Norwegian, but it in no way resembles Ireland Chica2! Why don't you just create your own local monster legend. The Glacier Monster from the depths of Chelan.

Anyhoo, the town is small and quite quaint. The lake is the real star here. Hop a ride on the Lady of the Lake ferry and take lots of pictures. The boating excursion can take up the entire day depending on what time of the year you visit, so plan accordingly. 

2 Chicas were more excited about getting up into the North Cascade Mountains so a full day on a boat was not an option. So fair winds me hearties, 2 Chicas must move on - we continued winding our way up local highways over to our destination Highway 20 West.

2 Chicas Love Cascading Snow!

The drive up to the North Cascades is beautiful. Chica 2 said a rough little brook seems to be following us from the time we left Chelan. She is enthralled with the idea that she was a pirate that had been left behind and was speaking "piratese".  "You landlubbers have no idea what it is like to ride a jollyboat down a rough inland stream. Makes an old salty like me need a little grub!" Typical Chica 2 nonsense.

 When she shouts "Shiver me timbers lassie", Chica 1 thought Chica 2 had lost it and was now headed off into TVLand. But looking up, she saw a building with a sign "Welcome to Winthrop". It looked like we had been blown off course and had arrived in some little western town in Colorado! Chica 2 thought it looked like a tourist trap so she didn't want to stop. The good thing about Winthrop was that it somehow transformed Chica 2 from a pirate back to her fun old normal speaking self!

Right down the road was Mazama so Chica 1 asked for a break from the road. A small convenience store was the perfect (and only) choice. This little oasis in the mountains had a sandwich and coffee shop inside and also sold organic food items. 

Chica 1 was in her hemp sandals, fresh ginger candy, peace sign, gluten-free heaven! After a good 40 minutes or so, Chica 2 couldn't stand it any longer and was ready to go. Chica 1 grabbed her bags and strolled slowly to the car, just to make a point. Tee hee hee!

Down the road a bit and suddenly we were in Washington Pass.  The North Cascades Highway is a beautiful scenic drive. It was snowing!! The end of May and there is a steady snowfall! Chica 2 is as trees everywhere! "Let's get out and decorate one.squealing that there are Christm"  It's a long way down Chica 2 - look over the railing.

 The overlook area is beautiful! 2 Chicas played in the snow, tried to catch a few snowflakes on our tongues, and were extra careful not to land in an unsafe area. Be sure to admire the Liberty Bell mountain peak.

After frolicking to our hearts desire, Chica 1 now wants to hike Rainy Lake to see a waterfall one mile down the trail.  Chica 2 forges ahead and turns into the parking lot for Rainy Pass.

She hits the brakes hard because  the parking lot as well as the entire area is under snow!  So much for hiking.... Back on the road; the drive on West Hwy 20, which continues to wind and turn. Each bend in the road has a spectacular sight! Small waterfalls and beautiful granite walls on either side of the road create a wonderland that is spotted with moments of oohhs and ahhhs. There are a number of waterfalls cascading from the side of the mountain. Everywhere we look there are surprise moments with water!

The road winds around the Skagit River. Chica 1 shares that this rough river seems perfect for whitewater rafting. Chica 2 immediately began jumping in her seat saying "I want to go whitewater rafting....ooohhh please!! Can I?" Sure Chica 2, pull over, get out, and find a raft! But seriously Chica 2, you don't want to mess with this icy water right now! It is still too cold!!

Chica 2 is sad about not being able to go rough rafting until we pull into the Ross Lake Overlook. The water is a beautiful tropical color. She is now back in her Ahoy Pirate mode. Lawd!

We stand mesmerized as birds do a ballet over the water. It is unbelievable! They dip and rise with such ease; the wind seems to be their symphony. We take pictures from every vantage point and linger with the birds a while longer. Chica 2 bursts into a rousing chorus of "I Believe I Can Fly", yet, she humbly walks back to the car and turns the starter. Thank goodness we didn't have to have that fight!

Next we drive over to the Diablo Lake Overlook; it is equally beautiful. We pause and reflect on the huge glaciers that formed this landscape. Is it possible that the opposite physical phenomenon is right around the corner? Melting glaciers - what a nightmare.

Chica 2 reminds Chica 1 that we are not far from Canada at the moment. Thanks Chica 2, it is good fortune to have a personal GPS! Perhaps if Chica 2 had brought her passport we could have a day trip and have a little fun with our northern friends. Again we have to defer to another trip at a different time.

Next up - Gorge Creek Falls overlook. Chica 2 wants to gorge on her favorite ribeye steak. She pretends she will find that delicious dish at this stop over. 

Chica 1 does not try to correct Chica 2 on this crazy idea. It is a beautiful gorge and dam. Chica 2 chuckles and reminds fellow onlookers that: "it (pointing down in the gorge) is a long way down!" Some of the travelers look at each other, then back at Chica 2 and politely nod.
As we continue on Highway 20, we stop in Newhalem to the North Cascades Visitor Center. A chat with the Ranger reveals we are not really in the North Cascades, because it is one of the least visited parks due to it being almost an all wilderness area. Chica 1 points to a map and notices that most of the area is made up of National Forests and National Recreation Areas. 

When sharing about the type of wildlife found in the area, the Ranger also shares that sightings of the elusive mountain goat are rare. Chica 2 now looks despondent. Primarily because she envisioned herself wrestling a mountain goat down to the ground and declaring herself master of all she surveyed. 

Really Chica 2 - a mountain goat rules; you have to beat a mountain goat? Lawd!  We bid the Ranger goodbye and continue our scenic trek on West Highway 20. 

The trip takes us through the cutest little towns: Marblemount, Rockport, Concrete, and Sedro-Woolley. Chica 2 sees I-5 and not too longer afterward, is excited to also see an outlet mall. 2 Chicas will pause for the cause of keeping the economy going. Afterwards, it will be onward to Anacortes!

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