Saturday, July 27, 2013

Seattle and Vacinity Part 2

2 Chicas and the Apple of Our Eye

Driving along the inside the deep green forests Chica 2 was in rare form. Singing made up songs and telling tall tales, she was in fantasy heaven. So when she suddenly yelled "what's that?" Chica 1 thought she saw an imaginary mother
ship. But lo and behold, a group of elk were slowly crossing the street. They actually looked like a group of gang members daring us to cross into their territory and sure enough, we kept a healthy distance from them!

After they crossed, dear Chica 2 was in a quiet happy place. She looked thoughtfully into the forest, and drove more cautiously - just in case. How utterly unexpected and better yet, pleasant!
Wentachee is a valley town in eastern Washington better known as the Apple Capitol of the world. Row after row of neatly groomed apple trees are planted in every large area for as far as the eye can see. Some are planted on the side of hills and others next to the beautiful home. A few farmers list their variety – “Golden”, but most do not.

Chica 1 shares that Wentachee is technically considered a desert. Chica 2 was quickly bored and began singing "whoo, whooo, who who who... cares!" Not very nice Chica 2.  Unlike Seattle, Wentachee claims to have 300 days of sunshine! That's pretty spectacular, even by our Florida standards. Now Chica 2 wants to frolic through some apple groves and see if we can reenact a scene from the Wizard of Oz.  Chica 1 would willingly throw a few apples at that little Applehead Chica 2!

Oh well, 2 Chicas will have to get into some mischief with apples another time, because today Walla Walla Point Park beckons us to come.   The views are beautiful from the park. 

The Columbia River meanders through the city and of course through Walla Walla Point Park. The park is really quite an active recreational area - there are trails for hiking, picnic shelters, tennis court, fishing pier, softball and soccer complex, horseshoe pits, and swimming. 

 It is also home to a gazillion geese and their offspring. There were feathers and gaggling geese everywhere. Chica 2 went from great adventurer to Little Miss Scaredypants!

She kept saying "That goose is looking at me; I think she thinks I'm going to snatch a little goose! But you know I would never do that!" Calm down Chica 2, the geese really don't want any problems!

Chica 1 loves public art and pauses at a whimsical statue of a coyote leading a salmon up the river. You really have to visit to get the whole story! Not one of those gaggle of geese bothered us as we walked through the park. Watch for the goose poop, it is literally everywhere!

As we were leaving the park, we observed the Town Toyota Center because it looked a little out of place right across the street from this wonderful park. It is quite a modern building that can hold 5,000 people. 

Chica 2 suggests that it could serve as an emergency holding place for all the apples in town. Please Chica 2, get a hold of yourself, but it is a funny thought. 

Maybe 2 Chicas could come back to town to see the local hockey team play as that is one of the Center's uses. We'd just have to make sure Chica 2 doesn't try to play 'Duck Duck Goose' with the park's inhabitants!
2 Chicas Can't Check Into Chelan
Chica 2 doesn't understand why we need to visit Lake Chelan. You see, while it is on the way to the North Cascade mountains, it is a detour in her mind. 

Chica 1 reminds her that Lake Chelan is the third deepest lake in the nation. Well that little tidbit seems to change Chica 2's attitude, but only for a minute. 

Somehow, it propels her into Auto Fantasyland. Chica 2 thinks she could dive into the lake, go many leagues under, and see if she can find the Loch Ness Monster. 

Now the mountains down Lake Chelan do give it quite a European look and feel, specifically Norwegian, but it in no way resembles Ireland Chica2! Why don't you just create your own local monster legend. The Glacier Monster from the depths of Chelan.

Anyhoo, the town is small and quite quaint. The lake is the real star here. Hop a ride on the Lady of the Lake ferry and take lots of pictures. The boating excursion can take up the entire day depending on what time of the year you visit, so plan accordingly. 

2 Chicas were more excited about getting up into the North Cascade Mountains so a full day on a boat was not an option. So fair winds me hearties, 2 Chicas must move on - we continued winding our way up local highways over to our destination Highway 20 West.

2 Chicas Love Cascading Snow!

The drive up to the North Cascades is beautiful. Chica 2 said a rough little brook seems to be following us from the time we left Chelan. She is enthralled with the idea that she was a pirate that had been left behind and was speaking "piratese".  "You landlubbers have no idea what it is like to ride a jollyboat down a rough inland stream. Makes an old salty like me need a little grub!" Typical Chica 2 nonsense.

 When she shouts "Shiver me timbers lassie", Chica 1 thought Chica 2 had lost it and was now headed off into TVLand. But looking up, she saw a building with a sign "Welcome to Winthrop". It looked like we had been blown off course and had arrived in some little western town in Colorado! Chica 2 thought it looked like a tourist trap so she didn't want to stop. The good thing about Winthrop was that it somehow transformed Chica 2 from a pirate back to her fun old normal speaking self!

Right down the road was Mazama so Chica 1 asked for a break from the road. A small convenience store was the perfect (and only) choice. This little oasis in the mountains had a sandwich and coffee shop inside and also sold organic food items. 

Chica 1 was in her hemp sandals, fresh ginger candy, peace sign, gluten-free heaven! After a good 40 minutes or so, Chica 2 couldn't stand it any longer and was ready to go. Chica 1 grabbed her bags and strolled slowly to the car, just to make a point. Tee hee hee!

Down the road a bit and suddenly we were in Washington Pass.  The North Cascades Highway is a beautiful scenic drive. It was snowing!! The end of May and there is a steady snowfall! Chica 2 is as trees everywhere! "Let's get out and decorate one.squealing that there are Christm"  It's a long way down Chica 2 - look over the railing.

 The overlook area is beautiful! 2 Chicas played in the snow, tried to catch a few snowflakes on our tongues, and were extra careful not to land in an unsafe area. Be sure to admire the Liberty Bell mountain peak.

After frolicking to our hearts desire, Chica 1 now wants to hike Rainy Lake to see a waterfall one mile down the trail.  Chica 2 forges ahead and turns into the parking lot for Rainy Pass.

She hits the brakes hard because  the parking lot as well as the entire area is under snow!  So much for hiking.... Back on the road; the drive on West Hwy 20, which continues to wind and turn. Each bend in the road has a spectacular sight! Small waterfalls and beautiful granite walls on either side of the road create a wonderland that is spotted with moments of oohhs and ahhhs. There are a number of waterfalls cascading from the side of the mountain. Everywhere we look there are surprise moments with water!

The road winds around the Skagit River. Chica 1 shares that this rough river seems perfect for whitewater rafting. Chica 2 immediately began jumping in her seat saying "I want to go whitewater rafting....ooohhh please!! Can I?" Sure Chica 2, pull over, get out, and find a raft! But seriously Chica 2, you don't want to mess with this icy water right now! It is still too cold!!

Chica 2 is sad about not being able to go rough rafting until we pull into the Ross Lake Overlook. The water is a beautiful tropical color. She is now back in her Ahoy Pirate mode. Lawd!

We stand mesmerized as birds do a ballet over the water. It is unbelievable! They dip and rise with such ease; the wind seems to be their symphony. We take pictures from every vantage point and linger with the birds a while longer. Chica 2 bursts into a rousing chorus of "I Believe I Can Fly", yet, she humbly walks back to the car and turns the starter. Thank goodness we didn't have to have that fight!

Next we drive over to the Diablo Lake Overlook; it is equally beautiful. We pause and reflect on the huge glaciers that formed this landscape. Is it possible that the opposite physical phenomenon is right around the corner? Melting glaciers - what a nightmare.

Chica 2 reminds Chica 1 that we are not far from Canada at the moment. Thanks Chica 2, it is good fortune to have a personal GPS! Perhaps if Chica 2 had brought her passport we could have a day trip and have a little fun with our northern friends. Again we have to defer to another trip at a different time.

Next up - Gorge Creek Falls overlook. Chica 2 wants to gorge on her favorite ribeye steak. She pretends she will find that delicious dish at this stop over. 

Chica 1 does not try to correct Chica 2 on this crazy idea. It is a beautiful gorge and dam. Chica 2 chuckles and reminds fellow onlookers that: "it (pointing down in the gorge) is a long way down!" Some of the travelers look at each other, then back at Chica 2 and politely nod.
As we continue on Highway 20, we stop in Newhalem to the North Cascades Visitor Center. A chat with the Ranger reveals we are not really in the North Cascades, because it is one of the least visited parks due to it being almost an all wilderness area. Chica 1 points to a map and notices that most of the area is made up of National Forests and National Recreation Areas. 

When sharing about the type of wildlife found in the area, the Ranger also shares that sightings of the elusive mountain goat are rare. Chica 2 now looks despondent. Primarily because she envisioned herself wrestling a mountain goat down to the ground and declaring herself master of all she surveyed. 

Really Chica 2 - a mountain goat rules; you have to beat a mountain goat? Lawd!  We bid the Ranger goodbye and continue our scenic trek on West Highway 20. 

The trip takes us through the cutest little towns: Marblemount, Rockport, Concrete, and Sedro-Woolley. Chica 2 sees I-5 and not too longer afterward, is excited to also see an outlet mall. 2 Chicas will pause for the cause of keeping the economy going. Afterwards, it will be onward to Anacortes!

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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Seattle and Vacinity

2 Chicas Come Rain and No Shine

Landing in Seattle, the weather held up to its Northwestern Pacific reputation. Cloudy with some sun and lots of sprinkles of rain. Uh oh Chica 2, it's starting to rain even harder. Then it stopped and started yet again. 

The rain seemed to be contingent upon Chica 1 trying to take pictures. 2 Chicas follows recommendations for the area; we dressed in layers and wore comfortable hiking shoes. On top of the layers, we had a sturdy wind/rain breaker.
Kerry Park in the Queen Ann Hill section of Seattle is a beautiful residential area that provides a perfect view of the city skyline and the infamous Space Needle. 2 Chicas could not see Mt. Rainer as it started raining pretty steadily.

The huge Ferris wheel is clearly visible from this spot as are the boats and cruise liners docked at the port.  Elliott Bay is stunning from this location so be sure to stop by this little park. Some of the smaller tours bring their customers up to Kerry Park to check out the outstanding view of the city, but with a handy GPS, you can come up here on your own.

2 Chicas head over to REI, which has a flagship store in Seattle and boy is it huge! There is a full size rock climbing wall in the store. 

The full size running waterfall/brook in the front of the store immediately catches the eye. Chica 2 precociously poses in front of the clock for Mount Everest.  She's always in Lala Land - our little make believe queen!  Could it be that just for a minute the rain has stopped? Why yes it has!

Chica 2 ran through the store and developed a wish list of products that would require a fleet of van lines and a personal escort from the bank to secure. Lawd! You can only sleep in one tent at a time Chica 2, what will you do with 20?  She doesn't care; she's still in the midst of her fantasy land excursion.

Three kayaks? Unbelievable! It takes a lure from the fishing department (dangled in her face) to get her out of the store. Now come the elaborate stories of the camping and hiking trips we will take, but have not come close to experiencing on previous trips. It's coming! Yes, Chica 2 it sure is....

2 Chicas seem to be all over the city of Seattle after only a few hours on the ground. It's time to get something to eat and Ezell's Famous Chicken is calling our names. Here we come Ezell, please make sure the chicken is hot. Boy is it ever!

The particular store we stopped in did not have seating, but it had some sure fire, crispy, crunchy, umm umm good chicken and sides! Pair this treat with the yeasty rolls and 2 Chicas were in chicken coop heaven! Baked beans, macaroni and cheese, peach cobbler, corn, well everything was good. Now we need to walk it off!

How about a stroll along the Seattle Waterfront Chica 1? Sounds like a fine idea. Once we get close, we quickly realize that it's a zoo down on Alaskan Way! There are cruise ships in the port with passengers boarding and leaving to explore the city.

In another area along the waterfront, passengers were lined up to take the Washington State Ferry to Bainbridge Island or Bremerton, and others were simply milling about the docks. There are restaurants, shops, and of course the iconic Pike Place Market.  

2 Chicas would explore that behemoth of a bazaar when we return to Seattle at the end of the week. Chica 2 was ready to get to the great outdoors, so like a child she was pressuring to leave. Well, since you are in such a rush, let's get to going Chica 2!

2 Chicas Fall for the Roar!

A few choruses of a 2 Chicas made up song and quite a few miles of up and down travel on rain slicked roads begin to wear on us. If we were not so excited to see Snoqualmie Falls, we might have paused at some quiet roadside restaurant for a cup of coffee, but Chica 2 was insistent. She wanted to see cascading water powerfully falling over a cliff. Well really!

We finally arrive in the town of Snoqualmie Falls. 2 Chicas see signs pointing to the actual waterfall, and Chica 1 is excited due to the city's link to one of her former favorite television shows. 

Many scenes used in the television show Twin Falls were actually filmed in Snoqualmie Falls. Naturally Chica 2 was disinterested in such trivia. She never heard of this cult classic!
So 2 Chicas sped through the little town in search of the falls. A two lane road twisted and turned near the falls. 2 Chicas turned into the parking lot unsure of which side of the street the falls fell. As usual, our initial guess was correct and off we hiked, beckoned nearer by the powerful sound of water.

Chica 1 noticed that even before she could see the falls her camera was being covered by a damp mist. After rounding the corner, a spectacular sight was in front of us - a rip roaring waterfall. Chica 2 exclaimed it was an itsy bitsy Niagra Falls -  could we possibly have stumbled upon another hidden jewel! 

Well maybe not - Chica 1 says she read on the website that the falls have over a million visitors each year. 2 Chicas guess Snoqualmie Falls were just their personal little hidden jewel.

There are walking trails and observation platforms. The falls are lighted up at night for a beautiful moonlight diversion. 2 Chicas say com hear the roar and enjoy the mist!

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Monday, May 20, 2013

2 Chicas and the Hot Dragon Breath

Every year at the end of April, Tampa Bay comes alive with Dragon Boat Racing. This interesting sport is made up of 20 folks thrown into a long boat. One of the participants beats a drum and another of the paddlers guides the boat. The remaining 18 paddle in harmony as fast as they can to the finish line.

This interesting sport began in China around 2,000 years ago in honor of a fallen patriot. There is a lot more to it, but 2 Chicas will let you research the rest based on your personal interest. To get on with the festivities, people from form teams, train and compete in races all around the globe. For 2 Chicas the Tampa Dragon Boat Races provided another episode for some good clean fun - so off we go.

Now April in Tampa is typically as hot as July in most parts of the country and the day of the Dragon Boat Races was no exception! The fun activities begin at Tampa Cotanchobee Fort Brooke Park. This location has quite a lot of history and coincidentally, is home to the Tampa Bay History Museum.

Back to Fort Brooke, it was a former military post to protect the area from illegal activity on the water and to guard against attacks from the Seminole Indians. So here we are over 100 years later having transitioned from military fort to museum, convention center, and hot  behind waterfront park. 

Unfortunately, where there is development, there is often a shortage of old growth trees. Now this was a fun time to watch racing on the shores of Tampa Bay, but in 90 degree weather, one really needs some shade!! Anyhoo, the racers were excited and race after race was being called out on the loudspeaker.

Chica 2, tired of history and heat, remarked that there seemed to be more contestants than observers. That was our queue to get walking, looks like more people were over towards the stage. The spectacular colors, smells, and music was wonderful! There was an Asian Festival of sorts going on. There were food vendors selling rice, lo mein, sugarcane and frozen boba drinks, chicken, beef, pork and other delicacies. 

Lo and behold - a coworker was selling wares from her native Nepal!  She was featured on a segment of CNN local for her participation in this event. Chica 1 spent time looking over the items. Of course 2 Chicas supported the small business owner, so we waved goodbye with a lovely handbag and necklace!

After grabbing some grub and watching a couple of performances, Chica 2 said it was hotter than dragon breath out here and Chica 1 had to agree. We watched a few more races and scooted over to the snow cone booth before heading to the parking lot. 

These races are held all over the country so you may want to check out what is happening in your part of the world. If not, come on down to Tampa for our annual race event, you may meet the dragon of your dreams here!

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Sunday, March 31, 2013

St. Louis Part 2

2 Chicas Deny Dining was a Delight

Coming into Diner’s Delight restaurant, the cafeteria style setup looked so inviting. The food seemed to be talking to us through the glass.

The turkey wings, Salisbury steak, and fried chicken looked good enough to knock ya cousin down and get to it. 2 Chicas could not wait to dig into this good smelling food.

Beef ribs were tender but lukewarm at best. There was more fat than meat on the huge bones, and the gravy slathered over the dish was simply bland and brown. The collard greens were extremely tasteless; like they were boiled in water. The only thing that was good was the dressing.  Chica 2 asked if there was smell o vision going on in here.

There was a crowd gathering and 2 Chicas looked at each other with that Scooby Doo “Urrhm?” questioning sound. Different strokes for different folks, but we can truly say this was not our kind of stroking!

2 Chicas Fall for a Clydesdale

2 Chicas are not big beer fans, but we do love freebies. Now if you check out the Anheuser-Busch Brewery, you can browse around for free.

But if you want to go deep into the place and end your tour with tasting the beer, you’ve got to pay. So 2 Chicas went the cheapie route and walked around the place checking out the history for free.

There are items that document the history of the brewery, including a large number of their ad campaigns over the years.

There is also a huge collection of beer steins with the year it was produced by the company, but Chica 2 wanted to go outside and play. 

Right behind the main entry way is a holding area for two of the beautiful Clydesdales. The horses are kept behind an electric fence to make sure the fanatics don’t get too close to these big babies. (That definition of fanatics would include Chica 2.)

Chica 1 has to remind Chica 2 not to scare the horses with any of her hurky jerky movements. The horses were particularly calm, making Chica 1 think they caught a whiff of one of their kind. Tee hee hee.

But seriously, the horses are so accustomed to visitors; the huge stallions pretty much sit there and stare at the visitors. 

Chica 2 said the two looked like gang members waiting for someone to come into their territory. She flashed them a "west side" sign and they sure looked like they threw their heads up in acknowledgment. The two Clydesdales at times did look a little menacing.

If you drop by on the first Saturday of each month, you can pose for pictures with the Clydesdales and then have a complimentary tour.

The Anheuser-Busch Brewery is a great excursion for beer lovers and a fun diversion for equine lovers. If you decide to go, remember to drink responsibly! 2 Chicas say maybe you could skip the dip into the keg.

2 Chicas Get Creamy at Teds

Get on with it two chicks; head over to Route 66. Chica 2 emphasizes chicks instead of Chicas. Yes we are on Routee 66 headed to the famous Ted Drewes Frozen Custard stand.

Chica 2 starts asking the most ridiculous questions and chuckling at her own humor. “So are we going to get over there and find General Custard all frozen?”  No more so than your tired old funny bone my dear; besides, his last name was Custer!

Ted Drewes has been selling frozen custard since the 20s. 2 Chicas have been told that a trip to Ted Drewes is a must when visiting St. Louis, so off we go early in December for a frozen treat. 

When 2 Chicas pulled up to the custard stand, it was teaming with people. Surprisingly, they were buying custard and Christmas trees! 

Chica 2 had to be restrained from fighting with one of the patrons over a whimpy little tree with a sad, bending top. She said it reminded her of a favorite cartoon Christmas tree. Chica 2, pleaseee let the little girl have the tree! We are not paying special fees to fly that back home. Besides, we came for the custard.
We inched around folks trying to make up their minds about their favorite flavor. 2 Chicas knew we were going to have a concrete! Some call them blizzards others call them by any other name, but concrete works for us! Once we made it to the window, we placed our order and quickly were given our cookies and cream concretes. After an awkward silence, there was an audible Ummmm! Chica 1 savored the smooth creamy goodness of this sweet treat. Oh my, this is some kind of wonderful!

All Chica 2 knows is that custard rhymes with mustard and this stuff is better than anything she ever had on a pretezel or a hotdog. Only Chica 2 and then she fell silent for five whole minutes? Unbelievable! 2 Chicas have a new love and that would be Ted Drewes custard. You can’t deny it; you just have to try it!

2 Chicas Check out the Mass Mosaics

Now 2 Chicas are no spiritual slouches. We are praying fools so when we heard that there was a beautiful place of prayer in the form of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis; we had to make a special visit. 

Chica 2 always picks at Chica 1, calling her a religious nut, but now Chica 2 has become a patron of faith.

She has seen the grace of God up close and personally and knows that there is more to life than meets the eye. 

Best of all, much of the glee and joy she experiences is because she knows God is an ever present help! Chica 1 knows that based solely on the fact that Chica 1 now speaks with a certain degree of reverence – THERE IS A GOD!

Back to the Cathedral which houses one of the largest collections of mosaics in the world. It is stunningly beautiful. Although permissible, out of respect, we did not take pictures in the sanctuary. But we did take pictures of the gorgeous vestibule. 

Chica 2 says if she were responsible for putting together just one of the mosaics, it would be an exercise in embarrassment. Chica 1 agrees that there would be incomplete, shattered mess.

In the basement of the building is the Mosaics Museum which depicts the construction of the building as well as the visit by Pope Paul VI. 

Chica 1 loved the Byzantine style architecture and the detailed depictions of various scenes all over the building. Pick up a visitor’s guide which details each panel and provides interesting facts on the Cathedral. 

This place of worship has to be the most visually stunning church in America. Come view the more than 41 million individual pieces of stone, glass and marble and judge for yourself! Even Chica 2 was humbled.

2 Chicas and the Living Dead

Since 2 Chicas visit to New Orleans, Chica 2 has a thing about fabulous cemeteries and St. Louis has at least two. Bellefontaine Cemetery and Calvary Cemetery are literally down the street from each other and they have a number of spectacular gravesites.

There are so many incredible people buried in these two cemeteries that the land mass could support a small theme park.
From explorer William Clark to Tennessee Williams to thousands of nuns who served the Catholic churches in the area; from Dred Scott to General William Sherman to Adolphus Busch, there are historically significant stories buried in one of these two graveyards.

As we drive through the beautifully cared for tombs, Chica 2 actually behaved pretty well. Although she was at times somber, she was more often reflective. She pointed out the beautiful depictions of Christ on crypt after crypt; one after another, these were visible memorials to individual faith. 

These were unending testaments to a long held belief in someone (Christ) who died so that his followers could have everlasting life.

Chica 2 found a number of headstones that she wanted to have should she transition to the hereafter. Chica 1 reminded her that she could not have a cluttered burial place like those front yards that have a dozen cement statute artifacts. 

Anyhoo, 2 Chicas went uphill and downhill and around corners and bends looking in awe at the statues, headstones, etc.

If you aren’t afraid of wandering respectfully through burial grounds, visit one of these two sites to gather stories that bring the history of this city alive! You will be astounded by the extravagant mausoleums and monuments as well as the simple headstones of those who served and cared for others.

2 Chicas Train their Brains
A trip to Union Station is like a step back into the heydays of the rail. Driving up to the building, it was clear that this was once a spectacular place. 

Chica 1 shared that St. Louis’s Union Station was at one time the busiest and largest stations in the world. Chica 2 said in disbelief, “not in the world?” Yes Chica 2, read it for yourself.

In the parking lot there is a Hard Rock Café and a Landry’s Restaurant. Chica 2 ran over to the large koi pond and proceeded to make the poor fish follow her around begging for food. She finally fed them and in her best Academy Award voice shouted: “They like me! They really, really like me!”
Come on Chica 2, the fish like anyone willing to feed them; look at the four year old there with her dad. Don’t misunderstand your popularity! Once inside the station, Chica 1 immediately commented on the food court, a treat that early 20th century patrons did not get to enjoy. 

Chica 2 broke into her smarty pants routine saying that Chica 1 just had to compare and contrast. Whatever!
Although trains are no longer the main thing happening here, there was still a lot going on. Chica 2 quickly got bored with the exhibits found around the station. Chica 1 on the other hand kept checking out the interesting history found in the walking tour. Chica 1 was particularly intrigued with the fickle ways of the American public. What was once the premier form of travel soon became out of fashion. Out with the old and in with the new – traveling by car and of course, flying!
Now the station had to be re-purposed and now specialty shops, restaurants, and a hotel almost fill the spaces of this massive building. Chica 1 also loves to gawk at interesting architecture, and Union Station offers plenty of moments for pause.
There are Tiffany stained glass windows and a barrel vaulted ceiling. What is funny is that a train station that cost $6.5 million to build reopened after a $150 million restoration. Now that is some inflation! And the amount does not include another $12.5 million in additional work completed in 2007. Now that's a lot of moolah!
St. Louis Union Station is well worth the trip. Be sure to visit the Grand Hall and view the interesting historical items from a time that continues to capture the imagination of the American traveler!

2 Chicas Find No Soul the Soulard Farmer’s Market

2 Chicas have been flying around St. Louis like mad hatters, and Chica 1 was getting pretty tired. (She’s the older one you know – Tee hee he) That notwithstanding, early on Sunday morning, 

2 Chicas headed over to Soulard Farmer’s Market.
Soulard’s began as a vacant lot where farmers would come to share their locally grown produce and other farm items. Farmers have been coming to Soulard’s since 1779! No not the same farmers Chica 2, this is not a zombie or vampire segment.

Chica 2 says she sure hopes they don’t have over two hundred years of chicken, goat, turkey and cow poop hanging out on the grounds. Just imagine the fertile organic soil that would be found on the grounds Chica 2! Rich farm poop would certainly serve as fodder for a whole new set of crops.  Check the bottom of your shoes Chica 2!

Chica 2 said she wants to purchase some petrified lemons. Chica 1 is afraid to ask why, so maybe we’ll just let this one die on the vine. Sunday mornings at Soulard’s is pretty quiet. There are a handful of vendors open selling fresh fruits and vegetables. They subscribe to the early bird gets the worm business model and as such received a few hard earned Chica dollas!

The farmer’s market is very large, and has two main buildings. It is surprising to find out that one of the buildings was constructed in the 1840’s. Chica 2 found some information on the second building and reported in a very intellectual tone that the new building was constructed in the Renaissance style. Huh?? She's actually correct.
This place even has a gymnasium, so let your soul glow at the farmer’s market. Be sure to leave enough time for a thorough visit with plenty of time to look and taste!

2 Chicas Visit the Hub

Now 2 Chicas aren’t cheap; more like a little frugal. So St. Louis’s hub, Forest Park is one great hangout!

This large mecca in the middle of the city is an incredible complex – there’s the Art Museum, the Zoo, the History Museum and the Science Center.  Chica 2 excitedly shared that Forest Park is larger than Central Park in New York.
Chica 1 wasn’t that impressed with that limited tidbit. Chica 2 was more eager to experience the lively outdoor activities such as golf, tennis, baseball, ice skating, roller skating, etc. So why did we talk about being thrifty? Because many of these great places are free!

Chica 2 immediately began complaining about Chica 1 wanting to go to the Art Museum and History Museum. Chica 1 told Chica 2 she was afraid if Chica 2 showed up at the zoo she would not be released!

Ok, not so funny, but time was of the essence, so maybe 2 Chicas can check out the Zoo and Science Center on the next visit. Not too often does Chica 2 want to do anything educational!

The Art Museum had a number of excellent displays of American artists, modern art, sculptures,  and a Native American display that had Chica 2 break out into another bad “take me to my tepee” routine. 

Calm down little Crazy Donkey! There was modern photography, displays of artifacts from England, and examples of  Italian religious art. Naturally, Chica 2 misbehaved in the room with the modern nude portraits. Stop screaming “cover that thing up!” Chica 2 you’re scaring people again.

Chica 1 had to agree that some of the portraits were a little over the top. Chica 2 also misbehaved around the portraits of local and national leaders. Her sense of humor may be misunderstood, so we will withhold the comments about President George Washington.

A visit to the History Museum was next and the display of the St. Louis’ World’s Fair was a lot of fun. Chica 2 particularly loved the pictures of the different participants. Chica 1, I didn’t know your family was at the World’s Fair. Very funny Chica 2, at least MY relatives weren’t banned.

We walked around the exhibits looking at the spectacular grounds that were developed for the 1906 World’s Fair. The current buildings sit on those very same grounds. I have a dear friend who said one of her favorite movies “Meet Me In St. Louis” revolved around the World’s Fair. I took extra pictures just for her!

Chica 2 needed some outside time just like the cute little puppies out on the grand lawn with their owners.
She ran around happily laughing, rolling down the hill, and playing with random children. Amazing, none of the parents were even a little bit mortified by her shenanigans!
They seemed a little envious of Chica 2’s sense of abandon and devil may care attitude. Chica 1 mused that maybe that’s why she likes Chica 2 so much – at least most of the time!

Come to Forest Park and visit the wonderful free attractions. You’ll be glad you did!

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