Tuesday, September 18, 2012

New Orleans, LA

2 Chicas Now in NAWLINS

As 2 Chicas were driving into the City of New Orleans from the airport, anticipation and excitement danced in the air. Chica 2 could barely contain herself squealing: “I can’t wait to ride the trolley!” “I really need to stroll down Bourbon Street.” 

“I always wanted to visit New Orleans” “I can’t believe I am here for my birthday!” Chica 2 believes her inner child grew up here and is finally home. A real voodoo mama? Go figure…

New Orleans is a well publicized city for both good and bad reasons. What makes the city unique is its strong French heritage. It is located in Orleans Parish, a jurisdiction much like counties in other states. Many of the streets in the French Quarter are still referred to by French names and the architecture has a distinctively French flair.

Chica 2 proffers that because the French people actually lived there, the area is called the French Quarter; excellent deduction Chica 2.
She then goes on to ask if a lot of French kissing goes on in the French Quarter. Perhaps Chica 2 (patience is required), but please don’t start carrying on about the curious history of French fries.

Well known facts about the area are the cuisine (French Creole and Cajun), fantastic public art, the party like it is 2099 atmosphere on Bourbon Street, the love of jazz, Cajun, blues and zydeco music, jazz funerals, ornate above ground cemeteries, and the practice of voodoo. More modern facts revolve around Hurricane Katrina, Katrina Refugees, and the swamp people who live in the bayous throughout the state. 2 Chicas wanted to experience a little bit of everything New Orleans!

2 Chicas Get Down On Bourbon Street

2 Chicas always has to get a little snicky snack and heard that Deanie’s Restaurant was the place to go. As 2 Chicas sat down to grub on some shrimp, Chica 2 was running down all the things on the menu she wouldn’t eat.

The waiter placed down a bowl of spotatoes and Chica 2 finally shut up. These potatoes were so good! They were spicy and flavorful and pretty close to perfect! Every now and again there was a shrimp and man they were delicious.

Chica 2 had the Shrimp PoBoy and Chica 1 had the Catfish PoBoy. We should have had the BBQ Shrimp, because the two PoBoys were just average. There was so much food, we had plenty to take back with us, but we weren’t so sure we wanted to eat it. Our stomachs were so filled to the brim; we had to walk around a little bit to burn some calories.

Chica 2 wanted to see what all the Bourbon Street brouhaha was about, so off we go! There was all kind of racket up and down the street. Chica 2 said it reminded her of some of the areas in Orlando, but without the architectural interest. Chica 2 are you alright? 

There were human statues and people dressed in gothic and other types of costumes (it was January). 
2 Chicas darted in and out of the many souvenir stores, but we did not purchase anything. We threw a couple dollars in the hat of a drum line from a local high school group that was on the street playing. At any point on Bourbon Street you will find musicians and other performers sharing their talents in hope of receiving donations. 

After laughing with some of the other revelers, we stopped to enjoy live music playing in various venues. At the first location, there was a great band, and at the second location, we played around with the guys on their dueling pianos. 

We enjoyed the music, took some blurry pictures, and shared in touristy fun with the other partiers. Before the sun came up we returned to our hotel to get some much needed rest.

2 Chicas Ben Yay – Done Dat

Early the next morning 2 Chicas got up and walked down to Jackson Square. There was what seemed like an impromptu art fair going on in front of the famous St. Louis Cathedral. Of course we had to stop over in Café du Monde for beignets and café au lait.

As Chica 1 sat down and began to inhale the rich strong coffee bouquet, Chica 2 said the coffee tasted like old dirty dishwater. As she spit it out, she swore it was about fifteen hundred years old. Guess she didn’t like the chicory taste, but the pigeons sure did quickly waddle over to inspect her leftovers. Fortunately, she enjoyed the beignets and purchased a hot chocolate to wash away the napkin taste (due to her repeatedly wiping her tongue with napkins to remove the coffee flavor).
2 Chicas enjoyed the break dancers and in true Chica 2 fashion, threatened to get down on the ground and “bust a move.” Again, we narrowly avoided a trip to the emergency room. Tee hee he - The Jackson Square area can provide quite a spectacle of happenings.

(Yes, this is really Chica 2's picture of the St. Louis Cathedral) Check it out and have a little chicory with dat!

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