Sunday, August 5, 2012


2 Chicas and the Vibrant City with a Dead Lake

As we descended over the Great Salt Lake, 2 Chicas could not believe the beautiful aqua body of water contains no living fish. As a matter of fact, nothing really lives in the Great Salt Lake except some briny shrimp. Chica 2 said she heard dead water was good for the skin, but after getting a whiff of the smell coming from the lake, she had second thoughts about putting anything so odoriferous on her face!

2 Chicas were excited about touring the parks found in the great state of Utah, but for today we would only tackle the beautiful city of Salt Lake. Chica 2 was amazed at the cleanliness of the city and the fact that Salt Lake was once home to the 2002 Winter Olympics. Chica 2 also wanted to go to the mountains right outside of the city, the Wasatch Range, and try her hand at ski jumping.  Chica 1 convinced her that we had a week to go and didn’t want to spend our first day in the emergency room.  Anyhoo, old bones don’t easily heal.

Navigating the city was relatively easy. All addresses in the city begin at one corner of Temple Square, the ginormous Mormon complex. Temple Square is still breathtaking! While the Salt Lake Temple is not open to the public, you can swing into the Visitor’s Center and learn a lot about the church and its missions.

Chica 2 wanted to go sing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, but she was reminded that she had to first join the Church of the Latter Day Saints, and then audition. Two strikes! If you’re lucky Chica 2, you might just hear the choir practicing. Chica 2 also wanted to know if she could have two or three husbands. No, No, and NO!
Despite being a town founded by Mormons, the city is extremely diverse and shops throughout downtown and surrounding areas reflect the ethnicities of the residents.

Chica 2 did you know that Temple Square is home to the largest storehouse of genealogical records? Not really huh?

Well Chica 1, did you know that the granite used to build Temple Square was hand chiseled out of Cottonwood Canyon, a few miles outside Salt Lake City? Now Chica 1 was impressed!

First stop on the itinerary was a pastry shop Les Madeleine’s Cafe. They sell a specialty pastry called Kouing Aman that is so good if you want to order more than six, you have to do so 72 hours in advance. That is because once you taste this pastry, you will try to buy all of them! So if you are looking for a great bakery, this is the place for you. As for the Kouing Aman, Chica 1 could only repeat over and over “buttery goodness”! Chica 2 had a cupcake that she said was scrumptious! 

We walked around to burn off that mid morning snack and before you know it,lunch time! Chica 2  had planned the perfect birthday surprise for Chica 1. Chica 1 kept asking if she could help, but Chica 2 with her normal confidence said she had it under control. Upon arriving at the lunch surprise address, it was quickly noted that this was no restaurant, but a hair salon.

Chica 2 even went inside to be sure they were not just cooking hair. Perhaps there was a small restaurant in the very back of the store. She is the hopeful type, but alas, it was just as the sign stated.  

After searching for a second restaurant, we were off again on our adventure. The city is surrounded by the most beautiful mountains, still capped with snow late in May.

Chica 2, looking up at the Twin Peaks, now is suggesting a bobsledding outing. Calm down Chica 2, the Jamaican Bobsledding Team is not here, and we’re just getting started…

Out at Momma's Plantation - Southern Hospitality Restaurant, 2 Chicas found themselves studying the menu as well as the history of the joint. Chica 1 selected the fried chicken, yams, and collard greens.  Chica 2 decided on the ribs, collard greens, and macaroni and cheese. Overall, the dinner was just average. The chicken was mediocre and greasy. The greens were just ok. Only the yams were good. 2 Chicas were very disappointed; enough said…

2 Chicas are now on the road to Cedar City, a small town near the southwestern part of Utah. What a fun drive; Chica 2’s steady hand on the wheel got us to our destination in no time. You descend from the mountains into the beautiful agricultural valleys. And then cruise back up to a plateau.

Cedar City is a nice stopover destination as it has all the modern conveniences, but is not far away from a number of national parks. It is a reasonable driving distance to Zion National Park, the north rim of the Grand Canyon National Park, and Bryce Canyon National Park. The city is host to a Shakespearean Festival as well as the Utah Summer Games, and has a number of exciting events all year. 2 Chicas had a busy and eventful day and now needed to rest prior to getting up and into some shenanigans in Zion National Park.

2 Chicas are Marching to Zion

 2 Chicas were raring to get to the sites in Zion National Park, which is such a popular destination, that the rangers recommend parking and leaving the driving to them. 2 Chicas love conservation efforts, so off we go in an environmentally friendly bus. The vehicle takes you to different stops along the park so that you may hike to the beautiful vantage points.

The good thing about the bus is that it has large windows all around so that you may enjoy the sites and take pictures without being a danger to others on the road. One layer of the rock throughout the park, Navajo sandstone, is so beautiful you can imagine a tall, dark, muscular, long black silky ponytailed, breechcloth clad Native summoning you to experience the wonders of his peace pipe. Chica 2, snap out of it! Will we ever understand her obsession with peace pipes? Tee hee he

2 Chicas both marveled at the grandiosity of Horse Ranch Mountain. Imagine God carving out this incredible canyon, stopping to admire his handwork, and saying “this is good.” Chica 2 breaks the silence with a typical exclamation – “can you imagine how many adventures we could get into over the course of 200 million years?” Chica 2 has read that the monoliths in Zion have been carved over that time frame, and being a big kid, she imagines she would like to live forever. 
Chica 1 sighs and returns to reflect over the beauty before her eyes.  While on the bus we met a group from our home town of Tampa! What a neat experience. They too love to travel to the parks and experience adventures. 

2 Chicas depart the bus at The Weeping Rock Trail because it was listed as easy. Start slow and build up as we go is our philosophy, but for two city dwellers, the Weeping Trail didn’t bring tears as much as it brought a few moments of breathlessness. 

The rock is beautiful; it looks like the stone is crying. Chica 2 was actually quiet while up on the Weeping Rock, which was a nice change. But soon enough she mused as to why the rock was so sad. It is ok Chica 2, the rock is doing exactly what God designed it to do. Our job is to enjoy the show!

Chica 1 had to remind Chica 2 not to lose her mind while on vacation.  She always wants to get to the park and become adventurous. Chica 2 did her squeal and threatened to run across a log that had fallen over a swift moving river.

Zion is deceptively beautiful. While at the visitor’s center, the rangers spend a lot of time warning about the many dangers that exist within the park. Zion is notorious for flash flooding and the power of the moving water can be misleading. 

Chica 2 reflected back to the ranger discussing the power of the Virgin River. Finally, someone else had explained to Chica 2 how cold the water is and how perilous the current is. Other warnings revolve around the steepness of the canyons and the unpredictable weather found in the area.

There are vivid pictures of water rushing through the canyons dismembering trees and pushing piles of logs downhill. Chica 2 admits she doesn’t want to experience nature’s wild flume ride. Tee hee he

Naturally 2 Chicas had to go see the river. Down at the Big Bend Stop, one is taken aback at the rushing water. Yet the cliffs overhead seem to be
watching over the river as if it needed protection. Chica 2 felt certain the cliffs were watching us, the visitors, to make sure we don’t do anything foolish. Like a protective parent, the rocks stand tall and firm, creating quite a presence. 

Chica 2 loves streams and always has to be closely monitored, but she could see the strength of the current. No need to worry about Chica 2 on this trip. 2 Chicas wanted to go to the Temple of the Sinawa, but time was not on our side.

Besides, Chica 2 thought she was going to have to change into her church clothes. Really Chica 2, you have church clothes? Do tell! Tee hee he
2 Chicas exit the park through the Zion-Mt. Carmel Tunnel. There was construction, so only one lane of traffic could go through at a time, so we patiently wait as the cars coming into the park are ushered into the tunnel. Then there is a large vehicle coming so an escort is required. 

Finally, 2 Chicas are allowed to weave through the tunnel, at different points, the rock protrudes into the road. What a beautiful final reminder of the need to be cautious when in unfamiliar territory.

Please tell us what you think! Leave a comment.

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