Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Utah Part 3

2 Chicas creating a Scene on the Byway
The Grand Staircase-Escalante is one picturesque piece of land, so much so, the road going through the area was designated a Scenic Byway.

At every twist and turn of Highway 89, there are slickrock benches, plateaus and canyons. This All-American Road, one of 27 nationally selected highways, winds through some isolated yet stunning public lands.

Fortunately, there are a few visitors’ centers to help you plan your outings should you remain in the area. At the very least, the experts can tell you where you are and how far to civilization. Tee hee he

Take your time on the drive and be sure to check out the numerous outdoor explorations. If you have more time, shine your light in the Devil’s Garden or drive down Hells Backbone Road.  Don’t let the names frighten you away.

Believe it or not, Escalante also has a petrified forest. There are so many hiking opportunities you’d be hard pressed not to find one to suite your needs, interests or abilities. It seemed as if each turn in the road shared an equally beautiful and different photo opportunity! It was much too much!

As we twisted through the red rock canyons and drove past formations that look like buildings from an ancient Greek city, 2 Chicas repeatedly said “I never knew this would be so beautiful!”

We knew Utah had incredible parks, but we did not realize how stunningly gorgeous and barren this huge expanse was. Once you rise and go through the Boulder Mountain, you will ride through part of the Dixie National Forest and the difference is amazing!

Beautiful lakes beckon you to take a dip, but 2 Chicas thought not; it was a little too cold. But it did look extremely tempting!

Chica 2 was threatening to pull over and jump in a waterfall thankfully, before you knew what was happening, we were down the mountain and back into a different ecosystem. Lush mountain forests quickly turned into a more desolate form of beauty. The richness in the landscape was a wonderful contrast to the previous turn.

2 Chicas Spend a Night and the Day in the Capitol

The drive eventually leads 2 Chicas down to Capitol Reef National Park where we would spend the night in Torrey, UT. We slipped into town for dinner and got a brief look at just how small this settlement really is.

It would be interesting to live in such a beautiful place, then again, maybe not; to each his own preference. The hotel is actually in the park so we sat out in front of the room and watched the sun set.

Chica 2 said the dark red rock against the sun made it seem as if we were on Mars. Chica 1 just enjoyed the beauty and started a simplistic smarty pants routine. Chica 2, did you know that somewhere out there is a 100 mile fold in the earth’s crust? Chica 2 replies “yes smarty farty, you have mentioned it no fewer than 30 times.” Chica 1 just rolls her eyes.

This crease is above a fault in the earth’s crust and is known as the Waterpocket Fold. Hey, it’s getting cold out here! The next morning we resumed our drive through Capitol Reef Country. Chica 2 was particularly intrigued with the petroglyphs that are on rock within eyesight of the highway and wanted to go add her handiwork to the drawings.

Thankfully she didn’t (and never would), but she did admire the talents of the ancients. Now to be honest, thesevtwo city girls were getting pretty tired. By the end of this drive, 2 Chicas had traveled about 1,200 miles!

Capitol Reef has more cliffs, domes, and just miles of rocks and wilderness. Enjoy the solitude, this area is notorious for being sparsely populated. 2 Chicas took pictures and headed back to Salt Lake City. We were needing a little city fix!

2 Chicas Bid Farewell to the Salty Lake

Our last meal in Salt Lake was at the Blue Plate Diner. This place has the most incredible Corned Beef Hash breakfast, made with real corned beef, fresh potatoes, and cheese.  Chica 1 has not yet had a better hash! If you are ever in Salt Lake, you have to try this item. Chia 2 had a burger with Swiss cheese and she said it was wonderful! She said it was juicy on the inside with a nice crust on the outside.

While killing time early Saturday morning, 2 Chicas headed to the outlet mall in Park City. It was a welcome diversion and interestingly, there are practice slopes right next door to the mall. Since 2003, this area has hosted the World Freestyle Championships, so please don’t underestimate the quality of the slopes in the area. Park City was established in the mid 1800s after silver was found in the mountains. Later gold, zinc, and copper were also discovered. Park City has a lot of history, and over 60 of the buildings in the city are recorded on the National Register of Historic Places.  Visit their main street if you love old buildings, you certainly won’t be disappointed.

Chica 2 mined the outlet mall for some great deals. So much so that she thought she was going to have to buy more luggage to haul all of her yields home. Fortunately, Chica 1 knows how to pack and got everything to fit in the suitcases we already had. Chica 2 waved goodbye to the Salty Lake and promised to come back to this great state. Chica 1 teased Chica 2, saying, she certainly hoped to return since the 2 Chicas didn’t make it over to Moab. Arches National Park is awaiting a visit from the 2 hilarious travelers!

Please leave us your comments!

Utah Part 2

2 Chicas Skim the North Rim of the Grand Canyon

As 2 Chicas approached the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, it was getting noticeably colder. There were large snow packs on the ground. Chica 1 said it felt like we were never going to get there; were we lost? There were no other cars riding behind us.

The North Rim of the Grand Canyon is more isolated and less developed than the South Rim. The route is pretty remote and unless you are going at a peak time like summer, there is a good chance you won’t see much traffic.

Finally a sign! 2 Chicas are close and before you know it, we arrive. From the time 2 Chicas enter the park, Chica 2 is complaining. You see Chica 2 loved the South Rim, but she could at least try to appreciate the differences in both sides of this great canyon.

She doesn’t like how far we have to drive to get to the visitor’s center and the lodge. She doesn’t like the large pockets of snow on the ground. She doesn’t see any wildlife. Well Chica 2, get over it!

The lodge on the property is beautiful and provides a variety of accommodations for families and for individuals.  Not far from the lodge is Bright Angel Point which offers a short trail down into the canyon.

The views are beyond description, but again, Chica 2 is comparing this vantage point to those at the South Rim. The trail feels narrow and a little unstable. 2 Chicas go so far down, admire the views, take pictures and turn around and head back up.

Chica 2 said she felt a little unsafe, but nothing remotely close to dangerous occurred going down or coming back up. 2 Chicas believe in being careful. Never lean over a ridge to get a better look and never go off the trail. With that simple advice, you will go a long way in preventing a serious accident or incident.

Imperial Point is the highest position at both the North Rim and the South Rim. On a clear day you can see the Painted Desert in Arizona and the Vermillion Cliffs in Utah. 2 Chicas visited on a relatively hazy day, so we got a good view of the North Rim. It was still beautiful and remember, far less crowded than the South Rim.

2 Chicas stopped for a sandwich at the Deli in the Pines. It is a nice little place to pick up a sandwich or a salad. But Chica 1 decided to have the Cheese pizza and Chica 2 had the chili to warm her cold bones. The food is a little pricy.

We sat outside and watched the few people in the village area move about. Few is relative as Chica 2 points out how much larger the Marketplace is at the South Rim.

She talks about the long line for a sandwich and to pay for souvenirs, versus the no line no waiting at the North Rim. Enjoy the sights under these huge trees Chica 2 and leave the North Rim alone!

Chica 2 was disappointed that she didn’t get to see a California condor, which were reintroduced into the park. Every bird that flew overhead she thought was a condor. No Chica 2 that is a sparrow, a much smaller bird. The little sparrow came to the overlook and seemed to be in love with Chica 2.

As we bid farewell to the North Rim, Chica 2 finally said something positive, “it was a really nice day; that sparrow was really cute.” That was the very best Chica 2 could do.

Barely outside of the park and Chica 1 asks “What is that over there Chica 2”? It has huge ears, but it looks like a deer. A mule deer!

These weird looking deer are picky eaters because they have to derive enzymes to digest their foods from the plant matter they consume. Chica 2 ponders if that is what makes their ears grow to such a peculiar length.  You never know.

We spent the night in Kanab, UT a one light town with that small town appeal. We ate at the restaurant recommended by the hotel, Houston’s Trail’s End Restaurant. The food was fantastic. Both Chica 1 and Chica 2 had steak that was juicy and tender. The meal came with a large dinner salad, steamed veggies and a baked potato. YUMMY!

Chica 1 first noticed that the waitress never looked at us when taking our order. It was the same with others in the restaurant. No one would look in our eyes. They would always divert their eyes away. Chica 1 was a little taken aback and began quoting scriptures quietly under her breath. Everyone was very polite, just always looking down. 

Oh well, never own someone else’s strangeness. 2 Chicas enjoyed the meal and walked the main strip of the city afterwards, looking into the little shops. It was a pleasant evening, but after such a long day, 2 Chicas were ready to get some much needed rest!

2 Chicas at Bryce Canyon – Hodoo You Think You’re Fooling?

Even before you enter Bryce Canyon National Park the hodoos come out to play and greet you.

Hoodoos are olden pillars of rock that the ancients say were really people turned into stone. The figures seem to watch over the road as you enter the park,

Chica 2 said she was feeling a little afraid they were going to get her. If she says that one more time, Chica 1 will surely do the job and spare the hodoos.

Bryce Canyon is a busy park and understandably so. There is one beautiful overlook after another, and for Chica 1, at the very top of the park, the ever elusive Bristlecone Pine Tree. We immediately saw a Utah prairie dog pop out of a little hole, and like all of the other tourists, pulled over to take a closer look. Chica 2 was quickly out of the car calling: “Here lil prairie dog.”

For a fleeting moment, it appeared the little fella was going to come to her, but back into his den he went. Only Chica 2 would know the call of the wild! Tee hee he

Bryce Canyon is a part of the Grand Staircase, a formation that begins at the Grand Canyon and rises as you traverse the southern part of the state. Each level ascends just like a flight of stairs, hence the Grand Staircase.

Chica 2 began singing some song about step by step; let’s climb the stony stairs; since we don’t have a care? Pretty sure she made that one up.

One thing is certain, this area of scenic southern Utah contains so many sculptured rock, sandstone spires, hoodoos, petrified wood, ancient trees, slot canyons, waterfalls, and streams it would take multiple trips to see half of the sights!
As 2 Chicas went through the park, we were both returned to our childhood; our imaginations were creating elaborate short stories at every vantage point.  Awwwhh, look at the boy bands competing, huh what no, it’s the crowd watching a home run at a baseball game!

No, it’s a scene from Spiderman; he is throwing his webbing?  Naw, I’ve got it – it’s the angels singing in the heavenlies!

At last we arrived at Rainbow Point and had lunch overlooking a scenic area. After lunch Chica 1 finally convinced Chica 2 to begin the hike on the Bristlecone Loop Trail to see the three thousand year old trees. Off we go into the woods. The first thing we notice is a sign that says a relatively large black bear has been seen in the area. Chica 2 wanted to immediately go back to the parking lot, but Chica 1 pressed on.

About a half mile down the trail, Chica 1 stops and listens. Chica 2 was fearful; she wanted to know if everything was alright. Chica 1 thought she heard footsteps.

This stopping and listening happened three or four more times, which terrified Chica 2. “ Hoodoo you think you hear; a bear?” “No, not sure what it is, just sounds like footsteps.” 

As 2 Chicas rounded a corner on the trail, there on a ridge sat the beautiful Bristlecone Pine. Chica 2 immediately said the tree looked dead, and at the very least, it looked five thousand years old. Stop insulting the tree Chica 2, it can hear you! The next thing you know, Chica 2 says the tree looks like the Charlie Brown Christmas tree! She then breaks into a sad chorus of "Christmas Time is Here". Lawd!

As we climbed the ridge, the wind suddenly picked up. It began to blow so strongly that we could not keep our caps on our heads. The wind seemed to be physically moving us away from the trees.

So Chica 1 with her most disappointed face sulked back down the ridge away from her bristlecone pine. Almost immediately the wind stopped.

As 2 Chicas rounded away from the ridge, there was a sign posted saying: Danger! Do Not Climb, Unstable Ground. Chica 2 squeals – “Lawd you mean we could have been killed”?  ”I could have fallen off and become a hoodoo!” The ridge did overlook a pretty steep canyon. If Chica 2 had fallen, she would have been more like doodoo.
Seems like the park would have a sign posted facing both directions. God is so good! He brought a mighty wind to tell us to get down, and it worked. Even better, as we continued on the trail, there were more Bristlecone Pine Trees. Magnificent!

These trees were in this exact location when Christ walked the streets of Jerusalem and the trees were still holding on. Unbelievable!
Chica 2 keeps hurling soft insults at the trees. She believes the trees are in a coma; that they are older than dirt; that they look like they have arthritis, they look sick like skeletons on an I.V., and on and on and on. Stop it! Let Chica 1 enjoy the moment. On the way back to the car, 2 Chicas reflected on how inspirational this hike was. Even with Chica 1 picking on those poor old trees. Because of her near death experience, there was quite a bit of praying and thanksgiving going on.Tee hee he

Chica 2 rushes to the car so that she can visit with more of her little hoodoo friends. Chica 2 thinks she’s going to have a hoodoo tea party with her new acquaintances.

Maybe Chica 1 will leave her there….No, maybe not, the trusty travel companion will have to pack up her imaginary tea cups and scones and bid her associates goodbye. 2 Chicas left Bryce Canyon singing a made up version of “hoodoo you think you’re fooling?  Oh hoodoos love me like a rock!” Seems like the hoodoos really fooled 2 Chicas into believing stone could transform into something that creates real good feelings!

Sunday, August 5, 2012


2 Chicas and the Vibrant City with a Dead Lake

As we descended over the Great Salt Lake, 2 Chicas could not believe the beautiful aqua body of water contains no living fish. As a matter of fact, nothing really lives in the Great Salt Lake except some briny shrimp. Chica 2 said she heard dead water was good for the skin, but after getting a whiff of the smell coming from the lake, she had second thoughts about putting anything so odoriferous on her face!

2 Chicas were excited about touring the parks found in the great state of Utah, but for today we would only tackle the beautiful city of Salt Lake. Chica 2 was amazed at the cleanliness of the city and the fact that Salt Lake was once home to the 2002 Winter Olympics. Chica 2 also wanted to go to the mountains right outside of the city, the Wasatch Range, and try her hand at ski jumping.  Chica 1 convinced her that we had a week to go and didn’t want to spend our first day in the emergency room.  Anyhoo, old bones don’t easily heal.

Navigating the city was relatively easy. All addresses in the city begin at one corner of Temple Square, the ginormous Mormon complex. Temple Square is still breathtaking! While the Salt Lake Temple is not open to the public, you can swing into the Visitor’s Center and learn a lot about the church and its missions.

Chica 2 wanted to go sing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, but she was reminded that she had to first join the Church of the Latter Day Saints, and then audition. Two strikes! If you’re lucky Chica 2, you might just hear the choir practicing. Chica 2 also wanted to know if she could have two or three husbands. No, No, and NO!
Despite being a town founded by Mormons, the city is extremely diverse and shops throughout downtown and surrounding areas reflect the ethnicities of the residents.

Chica 2 did you know that Temple Square is home to the largest storehouse of genealogical records? Not really huh?

Well Chica 1, did you know that the granite used to build Temple Square was hand chiseled out of Cottonwood Canyon, a few miles outside Salt Lake City? Now Chica 1 was impressed!

First stop on the itinerary was a pastry shop Les Madeleine’s Cafe. They sell a specialty pastry called Kouing Aman that is so good if you want to order more than six, you have to do so 72 hours in advance. That is because once you taste this pastry, you will try to buy all of them! So if you are looking for a great bakery, this is the place for you. As for the Kouing Aman, Chica 1 could only repeat over and over “buttery goodness”! Chica 2 had a cupcake that she said was scrumptious! 

We walked around to burn off that mid morning snack and before you know it,lunch time! Chica 2  had planned the perfect birthday surprise for Chica 1. Chica 1 kept asking if she could help, but Chica 2 with her normal confidence said she had it under control. Upon arriving at the lunch surprise address, it was quickly noted that this was no restaurant, but a hair salon.

Chica 2 even went inside to be sure they were not just cooking hair. Perhaps there was a small restaurant in the very back of the store. She is the hopeful type, but alas, it was just as the sign stated.  

After searching for a second restaurant, we were off again on our adventure. The city is surrounded by the most beautiful mountains, still capped with snow late in May.

Chica 2, looking up at the Twin Peaks, now is suggesting a bobsledding outing. Calm down Chica 2, the Jamaican Bobsledding Team is not here, and we’re just getting started…

Out at Momma's Plantation - Southern Hospitality Restaurant, 2 Chicas found themselves studying the menu as well as the history of the joint. Chica 1 selected the fried chicken, yams, and collard greens.  Chica 2 decided on the ribs, collard greens, and macaroni and cheese. Overall, the dinner was just average. The chicken was mediocre and greasy. The greens were just ok. Only the yams were good. 2 Chicas were very disappointed; enough said…

2 Chicas are now on the road to Cedar City, a small town near the southwestern part of Utah. What a fun drive; Chica 2’s steady hand on the wheel got us to our destination in no time. You descend from the mountains into the beautiful agricultural valleys. And then cruise back up to a plateau.

Cedar City is a nice stopover destination as it has all the modern conveniences, but is not far away from a number of national parks. It is a reasonable driving distance to Zion National Park, the north rim of the Grand Canyon National Park, and Bryce Canyon National Park. The city is host to a Shakespearean Festival as well as the Utah Summer Games, and has a number of exciting events all year. 2 Chicas had a busy and eventful day and now needed to rest prior to getting up and into some shenanigans in Zion National Park.

2 Chicas are Marching to Zion

 2 Chicas were raring to get to the sites in Zion National Park, which is such a popular destination, that the rangers recommend parking and leaving the driving to them. 2 Chicas love conservation efforts, so off we go in an environmentally friendly bus. The vehicle takes you to different stops along the park so that you may hike to the beautiful vantage points.

The good thing about the bus is that it has large windows all around so that you may enjoy the sites and take pictures without being a danger to others on the road. One layer of the rock throughout the park, Navajo sandstone, is so beautiful you can imagine a tall, dark, muscular, long black silky ponytailed, breechcloth clad Native summoning you to experience the wonders of his peace pipe. Chica 2, snap out of it! Will we ever understand her obsession with peace pipes? Tee hee he

2 Chicas both marveled at the grandiosity of Horse Ranch Mountain. Imagine God carving out this incredible canyon, stopping to admire his handwork, and saying “this is good.” Chica 2 breaks the silence with a typical exclamation – “can you imagine how many adventures we could get into over the course of 200 million years?” Chica 2 has read that the monoliths in Zion have been carved over that time frame, and being a big kid, she imagines she would like to live forever. 
Chica 1 sighs and returns to reflect over the beauty before her eyes.  While on the bus we met a group from our home town of Tampa! What a neat experience. They too love to travel to the parks and experience adventures. 

2 Chicas depart the bus at The Weeping Rock Trail because it was listed as easy. Start slow and build up as we go is our philosophy, but for two city dwellers, the Weeping Trail didn’t bring tears as much as it brought a few moments of breathlessness. 

The rock is beautiful; it looks like the stone is crying. Chica 2 was actually quiet while up on the Weeping Rock, which was a nice change. But soon enough she mused as to why the rock was so sad. It is ok Chica 2, the rock is doing exactly what God designed it to do. Our job is to enjoy the show!

Chica 1 had to remind Chica 2 not to lose her mind while on vacation.  She always wants to get to the park and become adventurous. Chica 2 did her squeal and threatened to run across a log that had fallen over a swift moving river.

Zion is deceptively beautiful. While at the visitor’s center, the rangers spend a lot of time warning about the many dangers that exist within the park. Zion is notorious for flash flooding and the power of the moving water can be misleading. 

Chica 2 reflected back to the ranger discussing the power of the Virgin River. Finally, someone else had explained to Chica 2 how cold the water is and how perilous the current is. Other warnings revolve around the steepness of the canyons and the unpredictable weather found in the area.

There are vivid pictures of water rushing through the canyons dismembering trees and pushing piles of logs downhill. Chica 2 admits she doesn’t want to experience nature’s wild flume ride. Tee hee he

Naturally 2 Chicas had to go see the river. Down at the Big Bend Stop, one is taken aback at the rushing water. Yet the cliffs overhead seem to be
watching over the river as if it needed protection. Chica 2 felt certain the cliffs were watching us, the visitors, to make sure we don’t do anything foolish. Like a protective parent, the rocks stand tall and firm, creating quite a presence. 

Chica 2 loves streams and always has to be closely monitored, but she could see the strength of the current. No need to worry about Chica 2 on this trip. 2 Chicas wanted to go to the Temple of the Sinawa, but time was not on our side.

Besides, Chica 2 thought she was going to have to change into her church clothes. Really Chica 2, you have church clothes? Do tell! Tee hee he
2 Chicas exit the park through the Zion-Mt. Carmel Tunnel. There was construction, so only one lane of traffic could go through at a time, so we patiently wait as the cars coming into the park are ushered into the tunnel. Then there is a large vehicle coming so an escort is required. 

Finally, 2 Chicas are allowed to weave through the tunnel, at different points, the rock protrudes into the road. What a beautiful final reminder of the need to be cautious when in unfamiliar territory.

Please tell us what you think! Leave a comment.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Austin, TX

Austin – 1 Chica Weird and on Fire!

Chica 1 was on her own on this adventure. Sadly at the Houston airport, she grabbed a bar b que beef sandwich from Pappa's Bar b Que and the disappointment began. The sauce had a nice bite, but the bbq beef was bland. Time to catch the plane to Austin, combine that with being without Chica 2, and the trip already lacked that extra something. Didn't have that jokestar to pass the plate over to and have her taste the food and make some wild joke. Missed her saying something outrageous about just anything Oh well, life goes on.

As the plane in preparation for landing in Austin made its descent from the clouds, the smoke from the Bastrop area fires seemed to engulf the wings. It was a painful reminder of the lack of rain and the disaster that was unfolding right around me. Chica 1 said a prayer for those suffering through this tragedy and hoped the area would find relief from the drought and fires.

Austin prides itself on being weird, which is right up Chica 1’s alley.  So Chica 1 set out and about to explore the city and encounter as much weirdness as possible.  Although Chica 2 was absent, she was really only a phone call away. Strange how Chica 2 immediately came to mind when thinking out strangeness. Ugahh Uggahh

Off to dinner at Manuel’s in downtown Austin.  It is just a few blocks from the state capital and has a reputation for excellence. Sadly, the food was at best average. The Chicken en Mole had large chunks of chicken but lacked the deep rich flavor. The dish was served with white flour tortillas which had a slightly sweet taste. The Nachos with salsa was nicely spicy! Chica 1 had a cantaloupe martini that was outstanding, so if you are looking for an interesting cocktail before dinner, enjoy this little ditty.

Austin is decorated throughout with different longhorn cattle statues ornately adorned by various local artists. This is such a great idea! Give artists the opportunity to display their talents as a part of what makes the city special.

In addition, there is a very healthy display of public art in areas throughout the city.  So walking the streets is entertaining to the eyes and relatively easy to navigate if driving. 
Austin is also the state capital. It was nice to visit the downtown area and look right down the street to see the beautiful capital all shiny and and gold and proud.

Chica  1 Feeling a Little Batty?

Now Austin is home to a large colony of bats and as luck would have it, Chica 1 found herself atop the South Congress Bridge with a whole host of other visitors waiting!  For what you may ask?  For the approximately 1 million bats to take their nightly outing in search of food!
Just think of a million bug eating bats cascading from under the bridge.  They rush out like a flood, oblivious to their stardom. In waves they come as people madly try to get a snap shot of the great escape!

This is a big deal in Austin.  The local newspaper is kind enough to offer free parking in their lot so that you may without worries view the huge bat deployment.

Now when the time comes, the hardest thing is capturing the black bats flying out in all their bat splendor, in total darkness. The eye is an amazing piece of equipment and the high tech digital cameras and video cameras were no match. The whole event has a carnival-like feel with vendors on roller skates selling glow in the dark necklaces and bracelets. All the participants had the same complaint, they had nothing on their pictures, just the still Austin noir evening. Noir is black in French. Whooo!

There were people paddle boarding and kayaking on the Colorado River of Texas, as well as tour boats pulling up to the bridge for this great bat show. Hotels on the river have chairs facing the bridge so their visitors can watch.

At one point, Chica 1 thought she saw the infamous bat sign illuminated in the sky! All is well in Austin tonight my cape crusading friends.

Chica 1 can hear the dinner bell clanging in the distance. Time to trot off and find Hoover's Cooking for a little soul food heaven. Hoover's is pretty plain looking from the outside, and provides the same consistency when you come inside. Wooden tables and chairs greet you. After being quickly seated, menus are provided and daily specials are pointed out on the chalk board on the wall. The dinner was delicious! The chicken was nicely seasoned and fried to a perfect golden brown. The sweet potatoes were creamy, sweet and tasty. The mustard greens were so good, Chica 1 ordered a second set to go. Cooked with smoked turkey meat, those greens were so wonderful you'd want to snatch up the cook and smuggle him home in your luggage. Watch out!

Chica 1 - How Low can you Go in South Congress (SoCo)

SoCo is a funky little area that has pockets of food trucks and interesting little stores. Locals say Austin is the true home of the food trucks (where they craze started).

There are a lot of "back the car" in parking spaces which Chica 1 found to be a little weird. Chica 1 is able to expertly parallel park, but when the car goes in reverse, watch out!

Whew! After getting the car in the space without killing anyone, Chica 1 is out on the prowl. Strolling down the street window shopping was a simple enjoyable treat! There were so many oddities to choose from that Chica 1 thought she was going to over spend. Not really!

Chica 1 was tempted to purchase the white, bell bottomed rhinestone Elvis suit in the window of one of the stores. But realized she didn’t have a proper place to display such an American treasure – Tee hee he 

Chica 1 stopped by Ann’s Ice Cream for a little cool ditty while walking. The white chocolate was not that flavorful; what a disappointment.

Later, Chica 1 tried a cupcake from Hey Cupcake! and it was so good, Chica 1 came back twice before the end of her trip to take some home.

Chica 2 would at least get a delectable taste of Austin with a Michael Jackson cupcake.It is a simple chocolate cake bottom with a cream cheese top. Alrighty then! Sounds like a reverse Oreo, Just kidding.

One can only imagine what the ingredients would be if it were a Millie Jackson cupcake instead.... Chocolate bottom, chocolate top, strawberry middle and a few choice words to make it more provocative. You know what I mean!

Chica 1 Licking It Up in BBQ Heaven

Iron Works BBQ was calling Chica 1 for a last night supper. This historical site was the former home of an ornamental iron work shop, but lucky for Chica 1, it has been a converted bbq joint since the late 70s.

Walking into this country themed restaurant, you are greeted by products (rubbing sauces, bbq sauces, etc.) and cold drinks in tubs. Chica 1 ordered the beef ribs.

The dinner comes with potato salad, dill pickles, raw onions, pinto beans and two slices of white bread. Yee haww! The ribs are wonderful! Tender, seasoned to the bone and a balanced smoky flavor. The potato salad and the rest of the sides are ok, because the real stars are the grilled meats. Try the ribs if you're a pork lover. My dinner companion said they were equally awesome!

Time to bid a fond farewell to Austin, TX. Chica 1 found the city an interesting stopping point. Get out and enjoy the quirkiness that is all around town. Austin City Limits is waiting with some great country music. Maybe Chica 2 will be around for the next twangy note.