Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sanibel Island, FL

It’s funny how 2 Chicas’ travels seem to take them to such a variety of beautiful places. This trip is no different as we were headed to Sanibel Island, a mainland paradise located off the coast of Ft. Myers, FL.  Sanibel is considered a shelling capital. For some reason, because of its location, the waves seem to kick the most beautiful shells on shore.
The island itself is only 12 miles long and is conjoined with Captiva Island, which is less than 5 miles long. Neither island is very wide with Sanibel being about 5 miles across and little Captive being ½ mile wide. More than half of the island is preserved as a wildlife refuge.  

There are no gigantic skyscrapers blocking the view of the beauty. Strict rules limit buildings to be  no taller than the trees.  This makes the island a well kept paradise.
There is a $6 toll to go over the Sanibel Causeway Bridge, which tells you something about this tiny little strip of land. Although both islands are small, there is a lot packed onto this diminutive island.

Shopping, kayaking, cruising, shelling, skiing, canoeing, wading, hiking, swimming, birding, eating, conserving, museuming, enough of the made up names already!

2 Chicas and the Ding Darling Birding We Go

2 Chicas are just crazy birds – uh oh - crazy about birds!  So a visit to the J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge was a prerequisite to hanging out on the beach. This guy was a cartoonist, conservationist, and the inventor of the duck stamp – a requirement for any duck hunter.

This stamp puts money back into conserving the lands where ducks thrive and as such, protects a wide variety of wildlife. Pretty cool stuff!

The onsite education center has wonderful exhibits and shares information on the habitat that you will traverse while in the park. There are three different types of mangroves that serve as the underpinning plant of the area. There were so many different birds hanging out in this hostel while in their migrating patterns, you would have to imagine the rooms are free. Tee hee he Some birds travel 20,000 miles just to drop in here.

As we went deeper into the preserve, there were numerous vantage points to get a bird’s eye view of the locals. One of the neat things is that a volunteer who goes through the park reporting bird sightings back to the education center, shows human visitors some of the very special bird visitors.

She also shares interesting information about the birds. She has a portable telescope that she allows everyone to look through to get an up close and personal view. How absolutely precious!

She told the kids about the white pelican that is native to Montana, Minnesota and Wisconsin and these suckers are huge!  Her little telescope made the birds seem as if you could reach out and touch them. Yet they were far away on a sandbar. Great job – you know customer service and it shows! Hey Chica 2, let the kids get a look why don’t you?

We got to see a 2 Chicas favorite, the Roseate Spoonbills – there was an entire flock of pink just perched out on a sandbar chilling! There are other exciting finds like a crab trying to crawl up a tree trunk giant fish swimming everywhere in the water, prehistoric seashells that were just lying in the paths.

At an observation tower on the site, the 2 Chicas headed to the top of this three story tower to gaze out over another beautiful cove where flocks of birds posed for us. An osprey flew overhead, dipping into the water and coming up with a fish in his talons.

Chica 2 threatened to jump off the top story of the tower and see what she would come back up with.  We both agreed some seriously broken bones. Tee hee he

Although there was a shell mound, it didn’t really provide any ah ha moments like the other vista points, and the displayed materials did share very educational information about the Calusa Indians.

But remember, when visiting protected areas, only leave your footprints and don’t take anything out of the reserve with you but your trash! Enough of the birds – 2 Chicas are off to the beach!

2 Chicas Feeling Beachy and then Woozy

The beaches on Sanibel and Captiva Island are splendiferous! Pearly white sand covered with a variety of seashells made the beach feel like a far away paradise. 2 Chicas decided to try the beach at the end of Captiva Island.

Driving past the fabulous homes facing the Gulf of Mexico provided Chica 2 with the perfect excuse to play the lottery. We all know that’s about the only way we’re going to get one of these roomy homes!

Man, God ordered up one perfect day for a little fun in the sun. Parking at the beach is $2 per hour, so remember to pay before you play. When you round the corner after leaving the parking lot, you can’t help but think how lucky you are having all these wonderful pleasures right here in America!

Chica 2 pitched the sunbrella and we perched in our chairs admiring the crystal clear water glistening as the sun danced across the surface. We looked through the piles of seashells that washed ashore and marveled at the number of live shells still on the beach. BEWARE – collecting live shells is illegal. What is a live shell you ask – a shell that is still inhabited. There is a live creature still inside – simple enough.

So much for biology, Chica 1 dipped her toe in the water and was surprised that it felt like a cool spring.  Chica 2 said it was cold as ___ , which really isn’t cold at all is it? The pelicans put on quite a show diving in the water grabbing fish. Each pelican seemed to have its own fan club of small seagulls flying around looking for leftovers.

Walking on the beach is a true experience. Chica 2 got a stiff neck from strolling along the beach with her head down looking for seashells. She sailed sea shells. Say it over and over if you can! Chica 1 almost passed out from heat exposure, and this was early February!

As children splashed in the shallows and enjoyed moments of spontaneous water play, Chica 1 saw the beach slowly begin to spin. Chica 2 hustled Chica 1 off to the car for a quick cool down and a long tall drink of water. Remember to always hydrate when outdoors! There’s just so much of a tropical delight that anyone can take. So 2 Chicas packed up and went off in search of a good meal.
2 Chicas Eat the Cow

Chica 2 was determined to eat at the Island Cow – a restaurant that spent a good deal of time marketing their food to families. The colorful (almost coloring book) ad certainly mesmerized the not so latent child inside of Chica 2. So off we go to have a taste of the moo cow. 

First of all, the décor is a very casual, relaxed kind of island feel. There are a variety of knick knacks hanging on the wall and there is indoor and outdoor seating available. The dress code is flip flops and shorts! There was about a 20 minute wait to be seated, but you can wait out back on the patio.

Second of all, this place has quite a menu! While you are waiting you may want to begin to check out the offerings. Fortunately, breakfast ends at 11 a.m. most days so you won’t have to add that list of food items to your decision making matrix. Tee hee he

Chica 1 chose the BBQ Turkey Reuben which was interesting, but not that great. The turkey breast didn’t taste like it was grilled and the tropical slaw was just average. The food was served at a moderate temperature. It came with fries and hushpuppies which were pretty good. Chica 1 washed it down with a Mango Margarita, which was yummy!

Chica 2 had the Adobe Chicken with black beans and rice and veggies. She said the chicken was very tasty, but the sides were extremely salty.Not a good mix with heat as dehydration is sure to follow. The kids menu is very good and filling. 

One kid had the cheeseburger and the other child had the chicken fingers and a fruit smoothie. Needless to say, both children were happy. 2 Chicas would rate the Island Cow as average, average fare.

2 Chicas Captivated on Captiva

The T’ween Waters Inn on Captiva Island is a well known property on the island. These cottages and the adjoining buildings have been on the site, some as early as 1914. The Old Captiva House was a former one room schoolhouse that is now a restaurant. What is unique about this current restaurant is that it was transformed from a school to a dining hall in 1925. There are great paintings throughout. The food is good, but a little pricy like most restaurants on the island.

The Mucky Duck Restaurant has been around since the mid 70’s. The owners gave this establishment a good old fashioned English pub name. The food is fantastic and the views from the outdoor patio are stupendous! This is a great place to enjoy a sunset!

Experiencing the Bubble Room is akin to having a meal in a fun house. It is a unique Captiva experience and should not be missed, especially if you have kids in tow. The place is outrageous, the food is fantastic, and the staff will make sure to give you a personalized experience. If you have problems with being over stimulated, this is not the place for you. There are so many things going on in here, you have to check it out for yourself. Reservations may be necessary during busier hours and seasons.

2 Chicas Get to Know you Better at the Sanibel Community Fair and Retail Expo

Now these Sanibel guys have the right idea about how to keep people coming back. This little expo is a great way to get to know the businesses and services offered on the island. The event is sponsored by the Sanibel/Captiva Chamber of Commerce and engages local business to share their wares. The support of the business community was amazing. Almost every business offered a raffle basket of goodies!

There was a gigantic slide and bouncy house as well as other outdoor activities and face painting for the kids.  The Sanibel Firemen were very helpful and informational.

They take time to walk each interested party around their truck and share information on the different equipment found on the vehicle. The kids faces really light up when they see the jaws of life.  Just thinking about how fit the fire fighters must be made Chica 2 thirsty. Go figure?

That leads the 2 Chicas to Bailey’s, who generously provided beverages and hotdogs. A local cake company provided scrumptious morsels of chocolate cake and orange dream cake. Every vendor provided a trinket, candy, or something worth taking with you. 

One of my favorite old Florida hotels, the Tween Waters Resort was a big sponsor of the event. It was fantastic getting to meet many of the local business men and women. They were very friendly and just based on the interactions alone, made you want to be a part of this warm community.

2 Chicas Blinded By the Light

2 Chicas headed over to the Sanibel Lighthouse to check out one of Chica 2’s favorite things, lighthouses.  Chica 2 loves lighthouses and on every trip, she has to go look into the light. Poltergeist you may ask? You never know with Chica 2.

The Sanibel Lighthouse was built for $50,000 in 1883. It was used to light the way for ships moving goods to Cuba, of course when that international relationship was better. This lighthouse is made of iron, which seems to be a peculiar choice of materials, but what do we know about constructing a lighthouse. The lighthouse now is the property of the City of Sanibel. This neat metal pyramid stands for all to see at the tip of the island known as “old Sanibel” island.

As 2 Chicas said goodbye to Sanibel Island, Chica 2 exclaimed a simple “Look!” Just as we pulled onto the causeway, a school of dolphins appeared. They seemed to be safely escorting us out and on our way.   What a perfect ending to a lovely island escape!

While in the area, be sure to visit the Thomas Edison and Henry Ford winter estates in Fort Myers, FL. The grounds are beautiful and the properties provide a great opportunity to see how the wealthy wintered! There is also the added bonus of being able to view one of Edison’s laboratories.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tampa Restaurant Reviews

2 Chicas love to go out to eat.  With that in mind, we thought it would be fun to share some of our food experiences with you. So periodically, we will upload reviews of local and not so local food establishments. We sincerely hope we can share a perspective that may be helpful to you as you navigate the large palate of food experiences in our neck of the woods.

Hanks – Tampa, FL

When Chica 1 saw the Hanks sign on Dale Mabry, she was surprised a restaurant was coming to this location in Carrollwood advertising catfish.  This area is better known for Asian and Spanish fare.  But much to the 2 Chicas surprise, this place was cooking up some good old southern foods!

The restaurant has basic décor, pretty much wooden chairs and wooden tables. There is a little corn pone humor everywhere, but 2 Chicas have to give them credit on having a steady crowd on every visit. It is pretty obvious that visitors aren’t coming for the humor or the décor. Except for Chica 2 who threatens to bring her fishing pole and go in the kitchen and catch her own catfish. Just a little off as usual Chica 2.

Fried Catfish
Let’s talk about their big dish Fried catfish.  Hank’s prepares this dish perfectly.  It is nicely seasoned and fried to taste bud satisfaction! 2 Chicas have tried this dish time after time and it is always consistently well prepared.

Chica 2 has a thing for beef brisket, and Hank’s does not disappoint.  Occasionally, it is a little too dry for Chica 1’s taste, but Chica 2 poo pooed that concern and munched on! In the middle of the meal, Chica 1 was totally embarrassed by Chica 2 yelling “Run Chica 1 Run” in her most country voice.

BBQ Beef Brisket
The Chicken and pork are equally tasty and what are really impressive are the sides.  The baked beans, corn on the cob, potato salad and cheese grits are exceptionally good!  The green beans, slaw, mac n cheese, and okra and tomatoes are alright.  The fries are sometimes a little limp, but are seasoned well.

The burgers are sizeable and are delicious! 2 Chicas have never tried the chowder or the Brunswick Stew, but maybe you'll let us know if it is good.. 2 Chicas strongly recommend you stop by Hank’s for some good old down home cooking! Yahooo!

Love’s Artifacts Bar and Grill - Tampa, FL

Once you open the door, you quickly understand the name Artifacts because this place is filled with antiques. But then you are quickly seated by an older gentleman who looks like he was a member of the mob. Chica 2 started puffing up her cheeks and talking in a muffled voice.  I think she said “I hope your first child is a masculine child.”

The menu is very eclectic with food ranging from Brie Quesadillas to Fried Chicken. As Chica 1 and Chica 2 and her kids snuggled into the booth, Chica 2 wanted to hop back up and go through the restaurant and fondle the antiques. Luckily, she saw her reflection in an old, warped mirror and became slightly disoriented. A little weird Chica 2.  Sit down and look at the menu!

Chica 1 ordered the Amelia Martini, which was strong enough to make Samson snap out of it and think twice about that Delilah. So it was easily a one drink night!

Chica 1 ordered the Southern MacDill fried chicken platter and Chica 2 had the Rib meal deal.  Chica 1 said $12 worth of fried chicken better be good! The meal comes with two sides so Chica1 selected the spinach and potato salad.  Both sides were pretty darn average.  Chica 2 had the greens, which she said tasted like a sauté, rather than slow cooked, and mashed potatoes. 

The kids had the Chicken Lips and a Pulled Pork Plate with macaroni and cheese and green beans.  They both were pleased with their dinners. The name alone, Chicken Lips, sold the youngest child, but it was really just chicken strips and French fries.

There’s also live music and Chica 2 had to be quieted a few times as she shouted out yee haw! This is not a country western bar Chica 2. Needless to say, we did have a great time!

The food was just ok but it was pricey.  This place is known for its fried chicken, but it seems the other items were tastier.  It is a very fun, funky little place, so be prepared to spend about $100 if you have appetizers and drinks.

 Eats American Grill, Tampa, FL

Eats is a small restaurant in South Tampa.  It is almost too easy to miss if you are headed south on Dale Mabry.  Chica 1 saw her life flash before her eyes when Chica 2 whipped a pimpette U turn to go back to the eatery. Luckily, we made it safe into the parking lot.

The restaurant is small and has a little bar. There are large screen televisions on the wall and overall it is simply decorated. We were warmly greeted when we entered and invited to sit anywhere we liked. We quickly took a seat and within a minute were given menus and asked for our drink order.
Chica 2 went on her normal routine to the bathroom to wash her hands after making such a dirty, nasty turn. Within minutes she returned to the table ready to eat. Remember Chica 2, you have to order first.

While reviewing the menu, the waitress brought a basket of chips and a tasty sauce to the table. The chips were freshly made, crisp and salty. The sauce was a perfect complement to the chips, balancing the salty and savory.

Chica 1 ordered Bite Me Back Shrimp as an appetizer. The shrimp were crispy and spicy; a great combination! The spicy secret dip sauce really packed a powerful punch of flavor! Not too spicy, but just enough to get that little tickle in the back of your throat. Chica 2, that just may be post nasal drip – Tee hee he!

Bite Me Back Shrimp
As an aside, the shrimp are served over a bed of romaine lettuce so you can use the greens as a base to cut the spiciness of the shrimp if you so desire.

Chica 1 ordered the Classic Black and Blue Burger and Chica 2 ordered the Philly Cheesesteak. Chica 2 substituted Swiss cheese for the Cheez Whiz cheese sauce. Lil’ Diva Chica (Chica 2’s daughter) ordered the Kids Chicken tenders.

The burger was outstanding. It had a wonderful crust coated with blackened seasoning balanced the flavor with the bite of the blue cheese. Chica 1 had sautéed vegetables instead of fries with the burger. Someone in your party has to try one of the burgers! In a word Outstanding!

Lil’ Diva Chica had two big chicken breasts for tenders. She said they were juicy! The tenders are served with French fries and honey mustard sauce. So Lil’ Diva Chica was in hog heaven or should we say chicken heaven. As a healthier choice, children can have apple sauce instead of the fries.

Philly Steak Sandwich
Chica 2’s Philly steak was so good, she could barely sit still in her chair. She said the rib eye was tender and seasoned to perfection! It was juicy and the onions were grilled nicely. Of course all of this was shared with juicy bits of sandwich falling from her mouth. Chica 2 was repeatedly offered a napkin. A few times Chica 1 and Lil’ Diva Chica had to deflect the flying food juices and crumbs. Could we have the toddler chair please? Chica 2 did make one healthy adult choice as she substituted a salad for the fries.

All three of the Chica clan were quite satisfied with the meal. A sick smile covered our faces. We left with a half hamburger, a few shrimp, a half a cheesesteak, and one and a half chicken tenders.  \We were too full to eat dessert, but we did get a pineapple upside down cake to go. 

The owner is right, it is just like momma used to make. And to prove the point, Chica 1 took a piece back to her mother and she just grinned and shook her head. That was some good eats! She even confessed it was a tad bit better than her pineapple upside down cake – now that’s really really good1

Eats American Grill provides high quality comfort food. The entrée list was even more enticing with baby back ribs, crab cakes and more. The menu also has interesting stories about the origins of certain food items like hamburgers, potato chips, etc.  2 Chicas will certainly be back for more! Eats gets an around the world snap of approval!

 Simply Good Restaurant – Tampa, FL

When you enter this strip mall restaurant, you will definitely see humble furnishings and accessories.  The place is sparse, which is not a bad thing, especially because if you come to Simply Good it is to eat.  There are tables and chairs, a countertop, and usually, a single person to take your order. 

The most important thing is that the food is simply good, tasty, delicious, ummm.  On three trips at different times and on different days, 2 Chicas totally loved the food! 

The beef brisket is outstanding.  Tender, well seasoned and the BBQ sauce was a perfect compliment. The portion size was wonderful for sharing, if you’re eating with a generous person.  The pork chop

The catfish is absolutely phenomenal!  The sides were so good, we got extras to go.  The chicken and waffles are great!  Real waffles with tender, perfectly seasoned fried chicken. Simply succulent!

The restaurant is inexpensively priced with no item on the menu being over $10.  The dress is casual unless you’re here after Sunday church Service! Then you will see more sequence, shiny shoes, and glitter than during a Broadway show! Enough already…

The best thing about Simply Good is they have what is on their menu.  2 Chicas can’t tell you how many times we have visited small restaurants that don’t have the items listed on their menus.  There is nothing more frustrating than to order beef stew and they don’t have it. Ok, I’ll have the baked chicken, “Oh, we didn’t make that today”. UGGGG What’s wrong with you restaurateurs?  Take it off the menu!

You have the 2 Chicas Seal of Approval on Simply Good.  Google them real soon now, ya hear?

Colonnade Restaurant – Tampa, FL

The Colonnade is old fashioned Tampa goodness. This restaurant has been around over 75 years! That’s a really long in Tampa time.  When you enter the restaurant, you will be greeted by a hostess who will usually pretty quickly whisk you back to the dining room.  There are large expansive views of Tampa Bay and the waiters are always very helpful.

The décor is sailor/nautical basic, but 2 Chicas say – LOOK AT THE B AY!  The view of Tampa Bay is outstanding!  Chica 2 please eat dinner before dessert! Now on to the food…

The menu has a variety of seafood goodies, Chica 1 always recommends a sampling of Florida gator, but if that is a little too wild for you, grab some fried green tomatoes.  Chica 2 is partial to the Buffalo shrimp and potato skins. Chica 2 is so distracting; she’s sitting here imaging the great flood has come and her favorite fish are floating up the street. Now, she’s making bubble fish noises. She even picked up her fork as if one had jumped, all battered and fried onto her plate!  Chica 1 had to remind her to focus and no, that is not a shark!

The fish is always fresh and prepared to perfection.  If something is not to your liking, they will gladly accommodate you.  Try the Baked stuffed flounder, Gulf Grouper, Grouper Oscar or the Rainbow Trout – all great fish dishes.  If you are a shrimp fan, grab the Shrimp Sampler gives you a little bit of everything, Coconut Fried, Charbroiled, Stuffed, and Golden Fried.

Chica 1’s mother loves the Angler’s Platter which has grouper, scallops, oysters, shrimp and clams.  We always substitute more scallops for clams.  If you really want to splurge, grab the Captain’s Platter.  It has so much seafood, you can eat from this dish for a couple of days. Chica 1 always gets an order of the chicken livers – delicious!

Chica 2 tried to hurt herself eating so many different dishes from seafood as described above, to pasta.  Just make sure to leave room for dessert.  They have a mean Key Lime pie.  Eat up and be sure to take a stroll down Bayshore Blvd. after you eat to help burn off the delicious calories! Chica 2, come back, we haven’t paid the bill yet! 

Urban Cantina - Tampa, FL

2 Chicas were on the move again, looking for some good Mexican food.  Urban Cantiina is a small restaurant in Tampa's Soho district. When you enter the restaurant, you are greeted with upbeat Mexican music and a few tables and chairs. There are a handful of booths so pick your seat and sit down!

The waitress warmly greeted us and took our drink order. As we reviewed the menu, we discussed the different food items and thought we were in for an average Mexican ride. Chica 1 ordered a Mango Margarita, Chica 2 ordered a coke, and Lil' Diva Chica ordered a Fanta Orange. The sodas were served in the old fashioned type bottle; cold and delicious.

Maybe this wasn't going to be so average after all. Chica 1 ordered the Nachos as an appetizer and we sat having typical Chica chatter. The nachos arrived not long after, all warm and inviting. When Chica 2 took her first bite, she said with a mouth full of food, "tisss guod"!

I believe that translates into English - this is good! She would be right. The chicken on the nachos was seasoned and the white cheese was a little zesty. The guacamole piled high on top of the nachos had a very light and clean appeal. The beans were extremely fresh!
Steak Fajita
After such a wonderful beginning, 2 Chicas went all in ordering. Chica 1 had the Steak Fajita taco and Chica 2 had the Gringo taco. Both dishes were served with rice and refried beans, but these weren't your average rice and beans. The rice was nice and fluffy and the beans were seasoned and very fresh. Chica 2 commented that these were not your average canned beans.

The Steak Fajita was an interesting dish as the steak was served with fried onion rings. There was a special sauce drizzled over the top of the taco. Very tasty! Chica 2 had a chicken and a steak Gringo taco. The Gringo had shredded cheese, chopped tomato, and lettuce on top.

Kids Chicken Tenders

Chica 2 said they were both incredible and really liked that the soft shell held together for each and every bite. Lil' Diva Chica had her normal chicken tenders that were served with french fries. She gave the dish her seal of approval, but was so disappointed that they didn't have honey mustard. Oh well, everything else was perfect.

2 Chicas were so pleased with this wonderful find! A rousing uh, no toro, Aztec high five for Urban Cantina! A wonderful excursion into flavorful Mexican cooking.

Burger 21

Somehow the gourmet burger has become the new “thing”. Burger 21 offers so many different types that Chica 2 could not resist saying with her deepest southern drawl: “they have a Cheesy Burger, and BBQ Bacon Burger, and a Black & Blue Burger, and a Tuna Burger, and a Chicken Marsala Burger, and a Mediterranean Burger, and a Skinny Burger, and a Black Bean Burger….” Ok, Ok, Chica Bubba we get the picture! This place has quite a selection.

Cheesy Burger
Burger 21 doesn’t skimp on the hot dogs either! While they don’t have the same large range of choices, they do have high quality, deliciously prepared dogs. Now the deal here at Burger 21 is that everything is served ala carte. So you get ya burger, then add sweet potato or regular fries, and a drink. You can also get a combination of sweet potato and fries. The good thing is the fries are always a crispy perfection.

Strawberry Shortcake and Key Lime Shakes
The shakes and floats are more delectable than the burgers! As a matter of fact, their signature shakes are just decadent! Chica 2 always faints with the Strawberry Short Cake shake that she says is better than Fats Domino doing his best twist! 

She screams and falls back in the chair. Chica 1 reassures everyone in the restaurant that everything is alright – that Chica 2 is just a little on the dramatic side. Chica 1 can vouch for that shake as well as the perfect Key Lime Shake. Yummy!

Shrimp Burger
Back to the food, everything is fresh and delicious! The restaurant offers gourmet sauces – Thai Ketchup, Toasted Marshmallow, Chipotle Mayonnaise, etc. There are salads, chicken fingers, and sliders on the menu as well as sundaes. Bring the little one s along and let them try the items on the Kids Menu.

On different visits, Chica 1 has tried the Philly Cheese, The Black & Bleu, The Shroom’, and the Po’Boy and Spicy Thai Shrimp Burgers. Each one is unique and extremely tasty.

If you are in the mood for a great experience, stop by Burger 21 for a scrumptious indulgence. Tell them 2 Chicas said that’s one good burger!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Tarpon Springs, FL

2 Chicas and the Case of the Strange Sponge

Tarpon Springs is a small village known for its large Greek community and their history of sponge diving. Tarpon Springs has the highest percentage of Greek residents in the country and is considered the “sponge capital of the world”. 

All of these traditions live on and the area has any number of Greek restaurants selling traditional foods. Snuggled up against the shores of the Anclote River, the historic sponge docks are a haven of fun for all ages. 2 Chicas are drawn to fun like a turkey vulture is drawn to road kill, so off we go.

As you drive through Tarpon Springs, it is hard not to notice how small the community is, yet it is so filled with tradition. Turning on to Dodecanese Blvd, you are immediately teleported to a different place and time. 

Boats and sponges are everywhere, and some of the boats have sponges attached! Chica 2, began dreaming of a luxurious drawn bath with large masculine servants pouring bubble bath into the water. Chica 2 put that sponge down! Incredibly, Chica 2 then began a rambunctious version of some song from Sponge Bob. It’s best not to ask; just go along with it!

Stop into the small Harbormaster/Visitor’s Center building and pick up some information on the area.  You can have all your questions answered and get some advice on an interesting boat ride to see the sights down the river. 

If not, there are plenty of “callers” on the block trying to entice you to take a ride on their boat. It is an interesting experience that harkens to a different time period. 

Next, go over to Sponge O Rama, where there is a free museum. The store also carries lots of trinkets, but so does about a hundred million other souvenir stores on the block.  Tee hee he! 

Wander down the block and check out the different Greek restaurants. Stop and have lunch or plan for dinner, but you can’t come to Tarpon Springs and not have some authentic Greek food. 

Chica 2 randomly picked a restaurant, Costa’s.  Chica 2 was reviewing the menu, looked up and yelled “FIRE!!” It’s not a fire Chica 2, it is actually a menu item.  Saganaki is a sharp Greek cheese doused with brandy and then extinguished with lemon juice. Naturally we had to secure our own order of flaming cheese. OPA! In addition to being a great presentation, it was also very tasty!  Chica 2 stuck to the Fish and Chips, but Chica 1 ordered the Dolmades.  Both dishes were very tasty.

Back out on the strip, there is an impressive bronze statue in honor of the sponge divers who lost their lives in the pursuit of their profession. The heavy helmet and small air hose made this a very dangerous occupation. Well, we don’t want to get into teary eyed thinking about all the handsome Greek men who didn’t make it back home…. 

Make sure you get a good picture of the old diving gear.  Chica 2, I’m not sure that head gear will fit, you better stick with your every day helmet – Tee hee he!

Spring Bayou is located just west of the sponge docks and it is the site of the annual Epiphany Celebration in January.  Fifty select young men jump into this very cold water in search of a cross that promises an extra special blessing. There is quite an impressive procession of individuals in bright, traditional Greek costumes, grand church pageantry and a few dressed as divers. 2 Chicas salute the town for embracing this spiritual ceremony. Otherwise, this body of water is home to manatees and other Florida wildlife. 

There are museums, tours of founder’s homes, and lots to do if you enjoy being out in nature. Come to Tarpon Springs and squeeze a sponge.  Yes that’s right a sponge Chica 2. Maybe you’ll get lucky and meet a handsome Greek hunk!  Chica 2 says she’s sure that it’s better than squeezing any old brand of toilet paper.  Only she understands. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Myakka River State Park, FL

2 Chicas and Myakka How High Are Ya?

2 Chicas heard a lot about Myakka River. We were told: “it is so beautiful.” “It is so much fun.” “You mean you’ve never been?” So after much chiding, 2 Chicas had to check it out for ourselves. Chica 2 decided a day trip just would not do the park justice; she wanted the added adventure of roughing it for two days. So camping it is for the 2 Chicas.

Myakka River is one of Florida's oldest and largest state parks.  It is a wildlife wonderland with photo opportunities at every turn of the road.

It is a 58 square mile Florida phenomenon. At different vantage points, Chica 2 squealed she felt like she was on the Serengeti Plain! 

At some point she became really worried that she would have a hard time getting back into the country without her passport.  Huh? Chica 1 dreamed of traveling down the river in a kayak, but after seeing the size of the alligators, she woke up! 

As we pulled into the campgrounds, the 2 Chicas quickly unpacked their gear and began to set up camp. Chica 1 plopped in a recliner (yes a camping recliner) and eventually realized she had to set up her gourmet kitchen.  

Chica 2, assumed her role as the tent master. Before you knew it, dinner was cooking, and Chica 2 was proudly circling her beautifully assembled Vacation Cottage like a predator looking for a weak link!  Chica 2 is a superior tent director, so none were found.

Chica 1 had a treat for the kids.  She told them that they were going to make magic. She gave them a little packet one at a time and told them to take turns tossing the packets into the fire. 

The little envelops turned the campfire flames into different colors. The kids really enjoyed screaming out “ooh that one is red; look at the blue; I see green; that is magenta!” Magenta?  Only Chica 2’s proper children!

Chica 2 brought fudge graham crackers for the kids to make Smores. As we concluded our dessert, there was the most peculiar feeling that something was watching us. The noises coming out of the forest reminded us that we were not in the city. 

Turkey vultures were landing their gigantic bodies on the palm trees, making a crashing kind of Jurrasic Park sound. 

No more songs around the campfire. It was a prehistoric ending to an otherwise modern camp evening!! That is until the no see ums started biting. 

So the 2 Chicas with kids in tow ran into the perfect tent for a restful evening. With the kids snuggled into their sleeping bags and watching bootleg movies (Chica 2 - who else? Just joking about the bootlegs. This is a figurative urban colloquialism). It was a fairy tale ending to a perfect day. Tee hee he

Chica 1 always has to have that late night bathroom break.Lawd! Chica 2 always worries that a blind possum will try to follow Chica 1 back to the tent thinking he has stumbled upon his perfect mate. Even with their keen sense of smell? Not sure what to think Chica 2. Tee hee he

Day two the 2 Chicas went to tour the Upper Myakka Lake with the park ranger. The vehicle of choice is one of the world's largest airboats, and the ride comes naturally with a fee. 

The trip down the river is very relaxing and informative. The guide points out different species of birds and tries to get the group as many up close alligator encounters as possible. 
We even had an alligator do a quick drive by on the boat. The curious reptile wove his way into the path of the airboat and after a swift yet somehow random bump, he quickly lost interest and drifted away.

Chica 2 mercifully took the children out for a nature hike and discovered the canopy walkway.  This area has a large watchtower and a neat suspension bridge. If you go to the top of the watchtower, you will have a panoramic view of the entire park. Chica 1 was using her alone time wisely by taking a power nap and enjoying the peace and quiet of the campground village.

That serenity was about to quickly change. Chica 2 and the kids were back with tall tales about their adventures on a nature trail. Our friendly neighbor to the east checked out and took his camper on a faraway adventure. 

About ten professionals and their children began moving in. The cars just kept coming and the pop up tents kept going up! Isn’t there a limit to the number of individuals on one camp lot?

As quickly as you could say – “you’re not in Kansas anymore!” Our peaceful journey turned into an Appalachians holler nightmare. Although it all started innocently enough….

Initially, the neighbors took all the kids on a scavenger hunt in the woods. The kids played together happily finding feathers and other forest delights. Dinner time came and peacefully went with no drama. As the sun began to set and find its replacement, the moon, assuming its position in the sky, the freak in the teachers came rolling out.

The children were quickly squirreled away into the tents to go to sleep while the adults sat around the campfire drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana. Chica 1, returning from her normal nightly bathroom run, was even offered the opportunity to puff puff pass. What?  Uhhh, no thank you….

To make matters worse, after staying up until 2 in the morning sharing the most intimate stories, they left all their food out. That is, what food was left over after the many munchies breaks! Later, Chica 1 was awakened by the sound of an animal or two bumping against the tent as well as snorting noises. Now a few times our drunkard neighbors tripped over the tent stakes returning from the bathroom.

But something was different.  Chica 1 looked suspiciously over at Chica 2, blissfully asleep on her air mattress tucked tightly in her sleeping bag. Chica 1 then accusingly looked at the children down at the other end of the tent, but these grunting noises were outside.

The following morning, the 2 Chicas exited the tent to find the entire campsite had been trashed by wild boars rooting through the food left out by our inebriated neighbors! The feral hogs dragged the items around as if they had engaged in a mad food orgy! 

The 2 Chicas looked around in total disbelief.  Then we looked around for Courtney Love’s Tour Bus. Tee hee he What a way to ruin an otherwise wonderful camping experience.

Our sheepish neighbors coyly asked if they had misbehaved the previous evening. Chica 1 shared that she now knew far too much about each of them to have not been properly introduced.  While they profusely apologized, it is important to note they are entrusted with our most precious treasures on a daily basis. Lawd!!

It was time to bid farewell to our beautiful Myakka River. 2 Chicas also noticed that there are as many bike enthusiasts as there are hikers. Don’t forget to do some serious bird-watching. 

There is a neat little dam area with a mini pier for fishing and a nice boardwalk area for birdwatching. We saw two alligators having a picnic with a flock of turkey vultures and roseate spoonbills.  Only in Myakka!

Don’t let our camping experience deter you, but just in case, there are also cabins available. 2 Chicas has visited the park more than once to experience the versatile fun!