Sunday, March 31, 2013

St. Louis Part 2

2 Chicas Deny Dining was a Delight

Coming into Diner’s Delight restaurant, the cafeteria style setup looked so inviting. The food seemed to be talking to us through the glass.

The turkey wings, Salisbury steak, and fried chicken looked good enough to knock ya cousin down and get to it. 2 Chicas could not wait to dig into this good smelling food.

Beef ribs were tender but lukewarm at best. There was more fat than meat on the huge bones, and the gravy slathered over the dish was simply bland and brown. The collard greens were extremely tasteless; like they were boiled in water. The only thing that was good was the dressing.  Chica 2 asked if there was smell o vision going on in here.

There was a crowd gathering and 2 Chicas looked at each other with that Scooby Doo “Urrhm?” questioning sound. Different strokes for different folks, but we can truly say this was not our kind of stroking!

2 Chicas Fall for a Clydesdale

2 Chicas are not big beer fans, but we do love freebies. Now if you check out the Anheuser-Busch Brewery, you can browse around for free.

But if you want to go deep into the place and end your tour with tasting the beer, you’ve got to pay. So 2 Chicas went the cheapie route and walked around the place checking out the history for free.

There are items that document the history of the brewery, including a large number of their ad campaigns over the years.

There is also a huge collection of beer steins with the year it was produced by the company, but Chica 2 wanted to go outside and play. 

Right behind the main entry way is a holding area for two of the beautiful Clydesdales. The horses are kept behind an electric fence to make sure the fanatics don’t get too close to these big babies. (That definition of fanatics would include Chica 2.)

Chica 1 has to remind Chica 2 not to scare the horses with any of her hurky jerky movements. The horses were particularly calm, making Chica 1 think they caught a whiff of one of their kind. Tee hee hee.

But seriously, the horses are so accustomed to visitors; the huge stallions pretty much sit there and stare at the visitors. 

Chica 2 said the two looked like gang members waiting for someone to come into their territory. She flashed them a "west side" sign and they sure looked like they threw their heads up in acknowledgment. The two Clydesdales at times did look a little menacing.

If you drop by on the first Saturday of each month, you can pose for pictures with the Clydesdales and then have a complimentary tour.

The Anheuser-Busch Brewery is a great excursion for beer lovers and a fun diversion for equine lovers. If you decide to go, remember to drink responsibly! 2 Chicas say maybe you could skip the dip into the keg.

2 Chicas Get Creamy at Teds

Get on with it two chicks; head over to Route 66. Chica 2 emphasizes chicks instead of Chicas. Yes we are on Routee 66 headed to the famous Ted Drewes Frozen Custard stand.

Chica 2 starts asking the most ridiculous questions and chuckling at her own humor. “So are we going to get over there and find General Custard all frozen?”  No more so than your tired old funny bone my dear; besides, his last name was Custer!

Ted Drewes has been selling frozen custard since the 20s. 2 Chicas have been told that a trip to Ted Drewes is a must when visiting St. Louis, so off we go early in December for a frozen treat. 

When 2 Chicas pulled up to the custard stand, it was teaming with people. Surprisingly, they were buying custard and Christmas trees! 

Chica 2 had to be restrained from fighting with one of the patrons over a whimpy little tree with a sad, bending top. She said it reminded her of a favorite cartoon Christmas tree. Chica 2, pleaseee let the little girl have the tree! We are not paying special fees to fly that back home. Besides, we came for the custard.
We inched around folks trying to make up their minds about their favorite flavor. 2 Chicas knew we were going to have a concrete! Some call them blizzards others call them by any other name, but concrete works for us! Once we made it to the window, we placed our order and quickly were given our cookies and cream concretes. After an awkward silence, there was an audible Ummmm! Chica 1 savored the smooth creamy goodness of this sweet treat. Oh my, this is some kind of wonderful!

All Chica 2 knows is that custard rhymes with mustard and this stuff is better than anything she ever had on a pretezel or a hotdog. Only Chica 2 and then she fell silent for five whole minutes? Unbelievable! 2 Chicas have a new love and that would be Ted Drewes custard. You can’t deny it; you just have to try it!

2 Chicas Check out the Mass Mosaics

Now 2 Chicas are no spiritual slouches. We are praying fools so when we heard that there was a beautiful place of prayer in the form of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis; we had to make a special visit. 

Chica 2 always picks at Chica 1, calling her a religious nut, but now Chica 2 has become a patron of faith.

She has seen the grace of God up close and personally and knows that there is more to life than meets the eye. 

Best of all, much of the glee and joy she experiences is because she knows God is an ever present help! Chica 1 knows that based solely on the fact that Chica 1 now speaks with a certain degree of reverence – THERE IS A GOD!

Back to the Cathedral which houses one of the largest collections of mosaics in the world. It is stunningly beautiful. Although permissible, out of respect, we did not take pictures in the sanctuary. But we did take pictures of the gorgeous vestibule. 

Chica 2 says if she were responsible for putting together just one of the mosaics, it would be an exercise in embarrassment. Chica 1 agrees that there would be incomplete, shattered mess.

In the basement of the building is the Mosaics Museum which depicts the construction of the building as well as the visit by Pope Paul VI. 

Chica 1 loved the Byzantine style architecture and the detailed depictions of various scenes all over the building. Pick up a visitor’s guide which details each panel and provides interesting facts on the Cathedral. 

This place of worship has to be the most visually stunning church in America. Come view the more than 41 million individual pieces of stone, glass and marble and judge for yourself! Even Chica 2 was humbled.

2 Chicas and the Living Dead

Since 2 Chicas visit to New Orleans, Chica 2 has a thing about fabulous cemeteries and St. Louis has at least two. Bellefontaine Cemetery and Calvary Cemetery are literally down the street from each other and they have a number of spectacular gravesites.

There are so many incredible people buried in these two cemeteries that the land mass could support a small theme park.
From explorer William Clark to Tennessee Williams to thousands of nuns who served the Catholic churches in the area; from Dred Scott to General William Sherman to Adolphus Busch, there are historically significant stories buried in one of these two graveyards.

As we drive through the beautifully cared for tombs, Chica 2 actually behaved pretty well. Although she was at times somber, she was more often reflective. She pointed out the beautiful depictions of Christ on crypt after crypt; one after another, these were visible memorials to individual faith. 

These were unending testaments to a long held belief in someone (Christ) who died so that his followers could have everlasting life.

Chica 2 found a number of headstones that she wanted to have should she transition to the hereafter. Chica 1 reminded her that she could not have a cluttered burial place like those front yards that have a dozen cement statute artifacts. 

Anyhoo, 2 Chicas went uphill and downhill and around corners and bends looking in awe at the statues, headstones, etc.

If you aren’t afraid of wandering respectfully through burial grounds, visit one of these two sites to gather stories that bring the history of this city alive! You will be astounded by the extravagant mausoleums and monuments as well as the simple headstones of those who served and cared for others.

2 Chicas Train their Brains
A trip to Union Station is like a step back into the heydays of the rail. Driving up to the building, it was clear that this was once a spectacular place. 

Chica 1 shared that St. Louis’s Union Station was at one time the busiest and largest stations in the world. Chica 2 said in disbelief, “not in the world?” Yes Chica 2, read it for yourself.

In the parking lot there is a Hard Rock CafĂ© and a Landry’s Restaurant. Chica 2 ran over to the large koi pond and proceeded to make the poor fish follow her around begging for food. She finally fed them and in her best Academy Award voice shouted: “They like me! They really, really like me!”
Come on Chica 2, the fish like anyone willing to feed them; look at the four year old there with her dad. Don’t misunderstand your popularity! Once inside the station, Chica 1 immediately commented on the food court, a treat that early 20th century patrons did not get to enjoy. 

Chica 2 broke into her smarty pants routine saying that Chica 1 just had to compare and contrast. Whatever!
Although trains are no longer the main thing happening here, there was still a lot going on. Chica 2 quickly got bored with the exhibits found around the station. Chica 1 on the other hand kept checking out the interesting history found in the walking tour. Chica 1 was particularly intrigued with the fickle ways of the American public. What was once the premier form of travel soon became out of fashion. Out with the old and in with the new – traveling by car and of course, flying!
Now the station had to be re-purposed and now specialty shops, restaurants, and a hotel almost fill the spaces of this massive building. Chica 1 also loves to gawk at interesting architecture, and Union Station offers plenty of moments for pause.
There are Tiffany stained glass windows and a barrel vaulted ceiling. What is funny is that a train station that cost $6.5 million to build reopened after a $150 million restoration. Now that is some inflation! And the amount does not include another $12.5 million in additional work completed in 2007. Now that's a lot of moolah!
St. Louis Union Station is well worth the trip. Be sure to visit the Grand Hall and view the interesting historical items from a time that continues to capture the imagination of the American traveler!

2 Chicas Find No Soul the Soulard Farmer’s Market

2 Chicas have been flying around St. Louis like mad hatters, and Chica 1 was getting pretty tired. (She’s the older one you know – Tee hee he) That notwithstanding, early on Sunday morning, 

2 Chicas headed over to Soulard Farmer’s Market.
Soulard’s began as a vacant lot where farmers would come to share their locally grown produce and other farm items. Farmers have been coming to Soulard’s since 1779! No not the same farmers Chica 2, this is not a zombie or vampire segment.

Chica 2 says she sure hopes they don’t have over two hundred years of chicken, goat, turkey and cow poop hanging out on the grounds. Just imagine the fertile organic soil that would be found on the grounds Chica 2! Rich farm poop would certainly serve as fodder for a whole new set of crops.  Check the bottom of your shoes Chica 2!

Chica 2 said she wants to purchase some petrified lemons. Chica 1 is afraid to ask why, so maybe we’ll just let this one die on the vine. Sunday mornings at Soulard’s is pretty quiet. There are a handful of vendors open selling fresh fruits and vegetables. They subscribe to the early bird gets the worm business model and as such received a few hard earned Chica dollas!

The farmer’s market is very large, and has two main buildings. It is surprising to find out that one of the buildings was constructed in the 1840’s. Chica 2 found some information on the second building and reported in a very intellectual tone that the new building was constructed in the Renaissance style. Huh?? She's actually correct.
This place even has a gymnasium, so let your soul glow at the farmer’s market. Be sure to leave enough time for a thorough visit with plenty of time to look and taste!

2 Chicas Visit the Hub

Now 2 Chicas aren’t cheap; more like a little frugal. So St. Louis’s hub, Forest Park is one great hangout!

This large mecca in the middle of the city is an incredible complex – there’s the Art Museum, the Zoo, the History Museum and the Science Center.  Chica 2 excitedly shared that Forest Park is larger than Central Park in New York.
Chica 1 wasn’t that impressed with that limited tidbit. Chica 2 was more eager to experience the lively outdoor activities such as golf, tennis, baseball, ice skating, roller skating, etc. So why did we talk about being thrifty? Because many of these great places are free!

Chica 2 immediately began complaining about Chica 1 wanting to go to the Art Museum and History Museum. Chica 1 told Chica 2 she was afraid if Chica 2 showed up at the zoo she would not be released!

Ok, not so funny, but time was of the essence, so maybe 2 Chicas can check out the Zoo and Science Center on the next visit. Not too often does Chica 2 want to do anything educational!

The Art Museum had a number of excellent displays of American artists, modern art, sculptures,  and a Native American display that had Chica 2 break out into another bad “take me to my tepee” routine. 

Calm down little Crazy Donkey! There was modern photography, displays of artifacts from England, and examples of  Italian religious art. Naturally, Chica 2 misbehaved in the room with the modern nude portraits. Stop screaming “cover that thing up!” Chica 2 you’re scaring people again.

Chica 1 had to agree that some of the portraits were a little over the top. Chica 2 also misbehaved around the portraits of local and national leaders. Her sense of humor may be misunderstood, so we will withhold the comments about President George Washington.

A visit to the History Museum was next and the display of the St. Louis’ World’s Fair was a lot of fun. Chica 2 particularly loved the pictures of the different participants. Chica 1, I didn’t know your family was at the World’s Fair. Very funny Chica 2, at least MY relatives weren’t banned.

We walked around the exhibits looking at the spectacular grounds that were developed for the 1906 World’s Fair. The current buildings sit on those very same grounds. I have a dear friend who said one of her favorite movies “Meet Me In St. Louis” revolved around the World’s Fair. I took extra pictures just for her!

Chica 2 needed some outside time just like the cute little puppies out on the grand lawn with their owners.
She ran around happily laughing, rolling down the hill, and playing with random children. Amazing, none of the parents were even a little bit mortified by her shenanigans!
They seemed a little envious of Chica 2’s sense of abandon and devil may care attitude. Chica 1 mused that maybe that’s why she likes Chica 2 so much – at least most of the time!

Come to Forest Park and visit the wonderful free attractions. You’ll be glad you did!

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

St. Louis

2 Chicas and the St. Louie Quickie
Chica 1 felt the warmth of the sunshine on the side of her face. Is it possible that this trip to St. Louis was going to have unseasonably warm weather for the start of December? A resounding yes! God's favor is amazing!

Chica 2 on the other hand wonders if she will ever have even a village named after her. Chica 1 had to admit she was impressed that Chica 2 knows that St. Louis was named after Louis IX, the Crusader King of France. 

Chica 2 wonders out loud, what kind of fur do you think those traders were selling? “Could it have been polar bear, wild yak, or llama?” Maybe on their later expeditions, but that doesn't seem plausible in this neck of the woods.  Poor Chica 2, her head is always in the clouds, usually those found on the planet Jupiter!

2 Chicas were on a mad dash around St. Louis to catch a few sights and eat a little grub. Since we are here, we discovered there are any number of museums that document the great history of the area. 

From French occupation to the days of the great explorers Lewis and Clark, Civil War icons William Sherman and Ulysses S. Grant, to the ragtime sensation of Scott Joplin, to current day rapper Nelly, history lovers will find something to their liking.

2 Chicas Walk Among the Stars

First stop, the St. Louis Walk of Fame on Delmar Street. This eclectic little neighborhood has quite the college throwback feel, probably because one of Washington University’s campuses is very close nearby. 

Chica 2 ran into a “head shop” to look at all the sixties merchandise, and to gawk at a few bongs. Chica 1 purchased peace sign items, “boring” things if you ask Chica 2.

On the sidewalk on both sides of the street are golden stars emblazoned with the names of famous individuals with connections to St. Louis. Tina Turner, Chuck Berry, Maya Angelou, Vincent Price, and Nelly just to name a few of the famous names that grace the sidewalk. 

Chica 2 squeals in a quizzical voice Nelly? Chica 2 also gets a kick out of literally walking on the stars. She never thought she would rise to such a prestigious promenade. Just remember, it really isn’t about you Chica 2!

Seems just as quickly as she was happy, she wasn’t. She walked up to Ike Turner’s star and made a ceremonial stomp saying "take this!. Be nice Chica 2; we won’t share what was said. 

Not long after this show of emotion, she walks up to Maya Angelou’s star and apologizes. Only makes sense to Chica 2. Our little drama gurrl! She then sprints over to the Chuck Berry statue and begins strumming on her imaginary guitar. After a few hops on one leg, she realizes she'd better stop before she collapses in a heap.

Chica 1 decides that she wants to get in on the fun and breaks into a rousing rendition of "I found my Thrill On Blueberry Hill!"  Chica 2 asks if that is really a song. Oh Lawd! You mean you never heard this classic before now?  

Move along little Chica 2, don't try to steal the pleasure of this walk down memory lane. Get on down to the Walk of Fame and be impressed with the local VIPs that made it big nationally!

2 Chicas are Luving Sweetie Pies

Walking into Sweetie Pies was like walking into an old familiar place. You can’t remember why it seemed like you had been here before. A table of patrons erupted in laughter. 

Occasionally, a customer would snap a picture with one of the employees. There was a line of about six or seven waiting for fried chicken and fried fish. When the large pan of chicken came out of the kitchen, the people cheered. 2 Chicas were soon to find out why.

Crunchy on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside, the fried chicken was perfect! Every part of the chicken was tasty. Fluffy moist cornbread, tender and flavorful okra, perfectly seasoned but a little greasy mac n cheese, and delicious cabbage. The sweet potatoes were heavenly with a sweet, caramelized sauce. Who could dare ask for a better meal!

Then there was the free entertainment. The waiters were hilarious. There was one with St. Louis tattooed on his neck that seemed to be the star of the moment. 

All the ladies wanted pictures with him. Chica 2 was more intrigued with his mouth full of gold teeth. She actually was too shy to ask for a photo, unlike a dozen or so other patrons. 

The fellas goofed on each other, talked trash with some of the guests, and laughed freely and easily. It seems everyone left the restaurant with a bag or two of food that couldn’t be consumed or extra treats for later. Sweetie Pie’s is definitely worth the trip.

2 Chicas Sway with the Arch

2 Chicas head over to the arch experience and the Jefferson National Expansion Park. This national park on the great Mississippi River memorializes Thomas Jefferson who directed the westward expansion of the United States from this very location. 

The stainless steel Gateway Arch beckons and if you look around at others, it seems they are all making some kind of pilgrimage. Most are looking up at the arch as they make their way up to the monument, then down to enter the structure.

2 Chicas were exactly the same as the other visitors. Looking up at the arch and taking pictures from different vantage points. It is an amazing phenomenon when one visits places like the arch. 

Visitors from foreign lands are speaking different languages; Americans are speaking in regional accents.2 Chicas guess as best as we can - French, Italian, Japanese, German; Kentucky no Tennessee, North Carolina, Boston, New York, maybe Georgia or Alabama. 

Folks of every color are all around, yet the common behavior is to crook your neck upward as much as you can. Then angle your camera and snap as many shots as possible. 

Then we all descend the steps to enter this memorial. When you enter the monument, be prepared to go through security. After removing all metal objects, you descend a moderate ramp and find yourself inside the base of this grand shrine. 

2 Chicas quickly went over and purchased a ticket to ascend to the top of the arch after assuring the staff that we had no problems with claustrophobia and could handle about 96 steps/stairs.

There is a small display area concerning the construction of the arch, but we were more interested in the space like waiting area. Each elevator door is numbered and a television is overhead to share instructions.

When the door to our elevator opened, we quickly understood why questions about claustrophobia are asked. The pod ride to the top of the arch is very tight. There are five chairs, but there is no way 5 adults could sit in this little thingy. 

The ride only takes 4 minutes, but it feels like more time. It's a creaky, clanky ride to the top. So much so that Chica 2 swore there were Hobbits down below pulling a rope that made the pod move. It was far too noisy for the apparatus to be a rope, it must definitely be some type of metal pulley! Tee hee hee

Once at the top, you go up stairs to the observation area. The arch moves and it is moving! Swaying in the wind ever so slightly and it is making Chica 1 nauseous. 

Chica 1 doesn't want to ruin it for everyone, but she did ask why was the room spinning! She also snipped at Chica 2 that she hates park rides.

Chica 2 chuckles as she sees Chica 1 wobble. She watches closely to make sure that although Chica 1 wobbles, she doesn’t fall down. The views of the city and across the river from the top of the arch are spectacular. 

Look over here Chica 1 - a bobble head tries to turn and look. Tee hee hee! Needless to say, the picture taking from atop of the world is short lived. A few more snapshots are taken and 2 Chicas head to the stairs to wait for a pod to return to the bottom floor.

Back down on solid ground, we traipse over to the Museum of Westward Expansion. Chica 2 poses boldly by the large grizzly bear at the entrance to the museum. 

Chica 1 has recovered from her motion sickness. But a new form of queasiness begins to creep into her being as she listens to Chica 2 go on and on about how she could slap a bear into submission. Lawd!

As we walk around the large circular room, Chica 2 is immediately drawn to the lifelike mannequins. First William Clark of the famous Lewis and Clark explorers; Chica 2 says it’s like being in the Hall of Presidents at Disney World. Oh my! 

But her behavior near the Buffalo soldier was particularly embarrassing. Chica 2 please stop doing the Rasta dance and singing like Bob Marley; people are looking and pointing at us. Yahyahyah yahyahyah…..

Come on Chica 2, this Buffalo soldier is filled with sawdust! Let him tell his story in peace. Well, in typical Chica 2 fashion, the word "peace" served as a perfect segue into her next misbehavior.

This final act of insanity was Chica 2 trying to sneak into the teepee display. At first she wanted to smoke a traditional peace pipe, but then she imagined she was the wife of the chief. 

Chica 1 believed Chica 2 really wanted to start a fire, which would have resulted in a double arrest! One for Chica 2's fire and the second for Chica 1's assault and battery on Chica 2! Tee hee hee 

It is truly time to go. Children are beginning to congregate around Chica 2 like she is the pied piper of the museum. 2 Chicas highly recommend a visit to the Arch. 

The museum is free; you only pay if you want to go to the top of the monument or if you want to watch some movie.

2 Chicas Riverfront Riding

Just west of the arch is the St. Louis side of the Mississippi River.  There are Riverboat Cruises, the Historic Laclade and the Eads Bridge. 

There is a lot of history associated with this bridge, and Chica 2 is clearly already bored. It is a significant structure because it linked the eastern and western railroads, which helped the expansion of the west, and in essence, killed the riverboat industry.
Chica 2 wandered down by the river to take a look at one of the riverboat casino cruises that operate from a site not far from the Eads Bridge.  Chica 2 thought she saw some straw chewing, straw hat wearing hottie waving at her from the empty riverboat. Come on Chica 2, just your imagination playing with you.

Now Chica 2 is wants to run over to Laclede’s Landing and click her heels down the cobblestone streets. 

There is a self-guided walking tour brochure that you can obtain from the St. Louis Visitor Center to help you identify the historic warehouses that are now restaurants and offices. 

As Chica 2 trips over an uneven cobblestone and does a turn with the tripping dance, she proclaims she is hungry. 

How in the world will we feed Chica 2? Maybe a little grilled beaver from the pelt on Davey Crockett’s head? Maybe not, we don't want to waste our final time here in St. Louis in the emergency room. 

Everyone knows Chica 2 is crazy, but she would be totally insane to eat grilled beaver. Then again, you never know....

The final straw was Chica 2 trying to sneak into the tepee display. She said her Indian husband was waiting for her to cook dinner. It is truly time to go. 2 Chicas highly recommend a visit to the Arch. The museum is free; you only pay if you want to go to the top of the monument or if you want to watch some movie.

2 Chicas want to Dance a Jig to Ragtime

Chica 1 used to play one of Scott Joplin's most favorite ragtime pieces as a young pianist. The song, "The Entertainer" was featured in a number of different movies.

That bit of information alone makes Chica 2 not want to spend any time talking about the ancient history that is in her mind "ragtime music". 

Free your mind Chica 2! As one can imagine, this is one fight Chica 1 wins, so 2 Chicas spirit off to the only remaining place that Scott Joplin lived.

Pulling up to this unassuming brick building, Chica 2 starts an "I told you so" wiggle dance and refuses to get out of the car.  Chica 2 show some respect for one of America's greatest composers.

Well Chica 1 had to concede that although this is a nice home, Scott Joplin only lived in the second floor flat at this location with his wife Belle Hayden Joplin. Chica 2 said she would have left his butt if he wrote all these songs and made her live in this tiny place.

It really is much nicer than Chica 2 would give credit. By the way Chica 2, don't you ever forget that love conquers all!

According to Chica 2, the apartment has a bunch of old stuff that speaks to being broke.  Others would say that Scott Joplin lived a humble lifestyle, but the pieces are really quite nice.  

There is also a player piano that provides authentic ragtime music. Just ignore Chica 2, and visit this historical landmark to get a better picture of the life and times of a musical legend. Be sure to check the times that the landmark is open. There are long periods of time it is closed in winter.

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