Sunday, November 18, 2012

Micanopy, FL to Palatka, FL

 2 Chicas and the Tale of the Indian Chief

A trip to Micanopy is like walking back in time. First stop for 2 Chicas is the Micanopy Historical Society Museum, which is located in the Thrasher Warehouse on the main road, Cholokka Boulevard.

2 Chicas arrive at the museum in record time and waltz in only to be greeted by a Girl Scout Display. Chica 2 muses that she could wiggle into the exhibited uniform. Yes you could Chica 2, but the uniform would be in tatters!

Our laughter caught the attention of the lone resident in the building, and we were soon to discover a rare jewel in this docent.

A friendly voice asked where we were from and where we were headed. The voice soon went into sharing great stories about the area, the people, the original inhabitants, and how Hollywood even came to town.

She had to be a great storyteller, because Chica 2 actually sat quietly and listened without any tomfoolery. As we were transported back in time, we heard how the Timucuan Indians hunted, fished and lived on this very beautiful, but totally wild land about 7,000 years ago.

Then came the Spaniards with their cattle, pigs, citrus, and diseases.  We all know the rest of that sad story.

She also shared that the Seminole Indians, who were really Creeks and other Indians from Georgia and Alabama, protected runaway slaves and invited the slaves into their tribes.

The Seminoles and the slaves lived happily together until they were relocated to Oklahoma via Arkansas through a treaty in the mid-1800s. Some of the Seminoles were forced down further to the south to the Everglades.

Her last tale was of Julius Rosenwald, the President of Sears Roebuck from 1908 – 1924.  After doing a little touring in the South, he was greatly disturbed with the lack of schools for Black Americans.

He partnered with Booker T. Washington to build 6 schools for Blacks in Alabama. He then formed the Rosenwald Rural Building Program and built thousands of schools throughout the south, including one in Micanopy.

The neatest thing about this place besides the wonderful artifacts is the intriguing volunteer Patsy Crass. If you’re lucky, you will have your own personal audience with Mrs. Crass! Movies such as Cross Creek and Doc Hollywood were filmed right here in Micanopy!

After hearing such lively stories, don’t forget to go through the entire museum. Now it’s time to be teleported back into the present and on to our next adventure.  What an absolutely delightful visit.

While you’re in Micanopy, go down on their main strip and check out the many antique shops. Each building has a story and you know who can tell you all about it! Grab an ice cream cone and enjoy this itty bitty hidden treasure!

2 Chicas See a Fire in the Hole!

Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park is Florida’s first state preserve and boy is it big. 2 Chicas arrived at the park just to luck up on Fire Fest, a celebration of the controlled burn.

Controlled burns, as we learned, help rangers control overgrowth and are instrumental in preventing wild fires. 

Chica 2 squealed when she saw the Smokey the Bear refrigerator magnet. “Oh my! I just love him!”  Leave it to Chica 2 to be in love with a fictional character; a bear no less. She ran over and took a picture with the large stuffed Smokey the Bear. 

After stopping in the Visitor’s Center, 2 Chicas saw that the wild bison that live in the park were spotted just a few days earlier by a hiker.

Chica 2, having had and enjoyed a bison burger, was excited to think she may come face to face with a potential meal.  I wonder if she has that same fantasy when we are out boating – wanna wrestle with a shark Chica 2?

Chica 1 can only hope Chica 2 is joking about wrestling with a bison. This is the wild, not television Chica 2! Outside the visitor’s center were a number of different stations set up concerning controlled burns and the types of native plants found in the area. Chica 2 enjoyed the displays even if it was all too quickly and went skipping down the sidewalk towards the observation tower. I guess that means it is time to go! 

Down the path and up the stairs and to the overlook we go! Chica 1 made up a little song to distract her from the uphill climb. Chica 2 was already at the top, show off!  Looking out over the prairie is so beautiful and grounding.

We were just two girls in this big old world, gazing out on acres of God’s stunning creation. Puts everything in perspective - life is more than hustling for money and things. Come on Chica 2, let’s go take a hike around the lake.

The Lake Trail is s .75 mile walk over to Lake Wauberg. Chica 2 started singing songs from the Lion King as we walked to the lake. “It’s the Circle of Lake – Of oooohhh Lake Wauberg “ - it looks so peaceful.

The kayakers barely made ripples on the water. Chica 1 had to hold Chica 2 from jumping into the lake. Sh was going to swim out and hijack the kayak. Only Chica 2!

You never know what types of microorganisms are hovering below the surface of the water. Saved her pitiful life yet again.  We walked over to the boardwalk and looked across the lake. What a perfect ending to a fun one day excursion.  Check out Paynes Prairie State Park; hopefully you’ll have better luck than we did and see wild horses or bison on your hike!

2 Chicas Deep in a Hole in Palatka

2 Chicas arrived in Palatka to see the beautiful Ravine Gardens State Park. We were interested to find out that Palatka has a lot of history dating back as far as forever.

If you have time, check out the historic districts in town. We drove through the North Historic District and enjoyed looking at the stately mansions and beautiful, yet simple churches. But we came for the ravine.

Over at Ravine Gardens State Park, 2 Chicas are looking down the hole, or should we say “ravine”. This gorge is the result of water erosion from the St. Johns River. How in the world did this steep gulch develop so far away from the river? Never mind, this mini-valley has quite a jungle growing down in it.

Chica 2 immediately did her Tarzan call and just about frightened every animal and human in the place. It really sounds more like a sick cat?

Early in the 1930s, the ravine was turned into a beautiful garden courtesy of the federal Works Program. As 2 Chicas drove through the 1.8 mile path around the gardens, it was evident that we would have to park and descend into the deep.

2 reminded Chica 1 that there had to be a movie filmed here at one time because the area looked familiar. As we descended to go across the suspension bridge, she said maybe it was one of the Freddy movie or The Thing. Please stop Chica 2, we’re the only ones out here – we hope!  Chica 2 let out a low, pitched scream, seems we are not alone after all.  A friendly hiker appears from around the bend and gives a friendly wave.

As we approach the suspension bridge, Chica 1 is amazed at the solitude in the park. We saw a few joggers and couples walking their dogs, but there was a quiet here that permeated the air.

Climbing back up was a bit more effort. Breathless but happy, we walked over to a display board to learn more about the indigenous people who once lived here.

The Timucuan Indians, the original Floridian Native Americans, settled along the St John’s River using the ravines as a source for fresh water. By the mid-1700s, these very same Indians had died from warfare and European diseases. Well that story was pretty depressing. The Creeks migrated to Florida from surrounding areas and settled in the Palatka area. 

William Bartram, famed botanist, documented being welcomed by the Creeks in Palatka with a feast of watermelon and oranges.

Chica 2 said this must have been the first vegetarian meal served in the country; at the very least, the first vegetarian meal eaten by a Brit in the US. 2 Chicas decided to go down to the lovely pond area and reflect. Tee hee hee

The formal gardens are very nice, but not spectacular. There is a pergola area with three fountains and a large obelisk that is at the entrance/exit of the park.

The rangers say the park is at its peak beauty in the spring when the azaleas are in bloom. There are two suspension bridges, a number of overlook areas and trails, playgrounds, and fitness areas. Ravine Gardens State Park is certainly not your average hole!

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Monday, November 12, 2012

Colorado, Part 3

2 Chicas Three Times the Fun at the Triple Falls

Chica 1 is always looking for something a little different and so 2 Chicas were taking a brief break from National Parks to visit a state park. Rifle Falls State Park was touted as having a triple waterfall. Right outside of the city of Rifle, CO, turns out Rifle Falls has caves and hiking trails.

The drive to Rifle Falls was interesting as 2 Chicas drove through the town and wound around and around a mountain (especially to two flat state inhabitants).  It was a weird trip in that the road seemed to lead to a number of personal homes, but we kept right on going until we drove into the park. 2 Chicas were relieved to see our destination right before our ears. We could hear the water rushing which really excited Chica 1.

2 Chicas parked and prepared for the hike to the falls. There was no hike; we rounded the corner and there were the falls. All powerful and spraying, 70 ft. worth of water falls! Standing at the base of the falls, Chica 1 was so moved by the splendor of the moment. Naturally, Chica 2 was ready to go cave exploring!
So up the Coyote Trail we go to investigate the caves. Chica 2 kept repetitively saying she was going to see Batman! Chica 2 was warning Chica 1 that when she found Batman, she would have no problem using her whip on him. Lawd!

Upon arrival to the first cave, Chica 1 was surprised at the tight quarters. It was more of a cup than a cave. A hike around the area and to multiple caves 2 Chicas ended up behind the falls. It was a pleasant hike, but to Chica 2’s disappointment, no Batman.

Reading the information on the stations, Chica 1 was devastated to discover that one of the falls is manmade. There are pipes redirecting the water over the limestone cliffs. Chica 2 wondered aloud why the ubiquitous they didn’t go ahead and make the falls have six cascades.

Come on Chica 2, let’s keep hiking. The trail had some large drop off areas that gave Chica 1 and her short little legs trouble. Chica 2 was extremely patient and surprisingly, never tried to trip Chica 1.

Outside of the large step downs, the trail was pretty easy. Rifle Falls is a nice park, just a little advice for the caretakers – please do something with those bathrooms.  They were pretty disgusting; Chica 2 said they were way beyond disgusting.

Rifle Falls State Park offers a number of outdoor exploration opportunities! Get to the falls and take a hike to the caves. Maybe you’ll have better luck than Chica 2 at finding your dream man in an isolated grotto. Doesn’t sound quite the same does it?

2 Chicas Behind the Vail

Well two worn travelers decided to stop roughing it and spend a little pamper time in Vail prior to ascending into the Great Rocky Mountains. Our trip so far had taken us from Denver, south to Alamosa, west across the state to the Four Corners, back north through Ouray, up to Rifle Falls and now east to Vail. Before the trip is over, 2 Chicas would go a little further north to the Rockies and back to Denver.

Vail seemed just the place to relax, get in some shopping and pampering, have a fabulous meal and get back to roughing it. The Arrabelle at Vail was spectacular with a roof pool, multiple roof top hot tubs, fireplaces in every room, luxurious robes, a wonderful soaker tub with a flat screen television, and a bathroom as large as the average hotel room.

The greater amenities are in the spa and surrounding dining, shopping and ambiance.  There were great sales going on in the nearby shops. A cup of coffee and some people watching was great fun. The hotel staff will drop off and pick up guests anywhere in Vail Village. 2 Chicas had a lovely dinner at Sweet Basil a restaurant recommended by the concierge. The multi-course meal was exquisite and both Chicas were happy girls!

After dinner, 2 Chicas braved the freezing night time temperatures, and sat in the hot tub. The view from the roof was amazing! The hot steamy water along with a nice glass of wine was the perfect nightcap to a wonderful day. The new challenge was getting out of the water and back into the building without becoming an ice sculpture.

We did it! Now Chica 2 was sitting in front of the fireplace having a chat with the country. She was in her presidential mode, and for once, she actually made sense. Tee hee hee

If we had known the place was going to be this much fun, we might have missed the adventures throughout the state. Well, maybe not, but it was well worth the stop. 2 Chicas would greatly recommend going behind the veil and spend some quality time in Vail. There is something to do even if you don’t want to ski so dote on yourself why don’t you?

 2 Chicas Rock On the Rockies

2 Chicas had two choices heading up to the Rockies. We could travel from west of the divide, up Hwy 40 to Hwy 34 or come in from the east through Estes Park. 

We chose the western route. We drove around the edge of the Arapaho National Forest as well as the Arapaho National Recreation Area. Chica 2 wanted to jump in Lake Granby, but admitted it was a little too cold to take a chance.

It seemed like we were winding and twisting forever up and around until we arrived at the most picturesque area in Grand Lake. 

We stopped to admire the beautiful lake with the snow covered peaks in the background. Within a matter of minutes we had arrived at our destination, Rocky Mountain National Park. 

Chica 2 pulled into the Kawuneeche Visitor Center and had to be stopped from sprinting inside to see what type of wildlife had been spotted in the park.

2 Chicas were quickly disappointed that the weather was going to be a huge factor for our trip.  The ranger shared that the main road still had 20 feet of snow blocking the path to Estes Park. Good thing we didn’t come from that direction, we would have made very little progress into the park.  She did say there had been moose and bear seen in the park. 

Chica 2 was ready to go find herself a bear! Chica 1 asked if there was any type of insurance available for purchase for knucklehead visitors. The ranger smiled and reminded us to be careful. On the road again, 2 Chicas were stunned at the number of fallen trees. Quite a few times on the road, we had to stop for prolonged periods of time while crews cleared trees. All those downed trees made hiking seem a little risky.

Passing Harbison Meadows Chica 2 rolled down the window and took in a deep breath of air. Then, she immediately complained that her nostril hairs were frozen. Chica 1 peered up her nose and agreed that there were frozen tinsels hanging from each hair.  With all the ongoing whining, she must have been in a good amount of pain. Tee hee hee

Chica 1 was in awe of the pine forests. She too leaned out the window and inhaled, but her experience was much better. The crispness of the air and the scent of the ponderosa pine filled her lungs with a little breath of heaven.  Chica 2 drove all the way up to the closed area. It was a little shocking to see the huge mound of snow on the road. It didn’t look real, but those mountains, with the mist floating over the highest peaks were incredible. At every vantage point, Chica 1 was enthralled with the idea that God had created such splendor for his children to enjoy.
 Chica 2 on the other hand, was busy peering in the woods looking for her bear friends. Chica 1 cannot understand her thinking. She would turn into the RoadRunner if she actually saw a bear, but she was so hopeful!  

2 Chicas pull into Holzwarth Historic Site and it a light snow falls. 2 Chicas were going to hike out to see the Great Ditch, but we had to ditch that idea due to the amount of the snow on the ground. With no snow shoes, our feet were sinking eight inches in the ground.

2 Chicas turned into little kids making snowballs and having a good old fashioned snow fight. After a few snowballs to the face, Chica 2 was ready to go look for that bear again. On the way back to the car, Chica 1 stepped on a large stick which broke. Chica 2 took off sprinting to the car, thinking a bear was close behind. Another Chica 1 theory proved true; our little RoadRunner was off and running!  

We stopped at each trailhead trying to explore as much of the limited area available to us and making the best of the time we had at the park. As we prepared to leave, Chica 2 had the saddest look on her face. She was so sad that she had not seen any animals. No bighorn sheep, wolves, bears, elk, etc. I told her that God fills the desires of our hearts and that we would see wildlife before we left.

Sure enough, as we rounded the bend just past the Coyote Valley Trailhead, there were about three cars pulled off on the side of the road. Their occupants were in the middle of the road taking pictures of moose!  Chica 1 pulled over and joined the others standing dangerously in the middle of the street.

Returning to the car, Chica 2 had mist in her eyes saying: “Chica 1 you said God would let us see something and He did!” Yes, Chica 2 He even hears the small requests that are in our hearts. God is good all the time! This quiet worship stayed with us back down the mountain.

Just as we got outside the park, barely outside of Grand Lake, another set of moose were grazing just off the road. Chica 2 was at peace.  It wasn’t a bear or bighorn sheep, but it was enough. Chica 2’s revelation was that sometimes in this wonderful life, enough is really a whole lot. 2 Chicas hope you can visit the Rocky Mountains and have your enough moment! If not here, have your experience of fullness and peace somewhere….

2 Chicas Searching for a Rocky Mountain High

2 Chicas arrived in Denver road weary and very hungry. Chica 2 wanted to go to Cherry Cricket and get her version of comfort food, a hamburger. The restaurant was jumping and there was a wait. A cupcake truck owner smartly parked outside the joint to get waiting customers to buy his sweet treats. 

After being seated, Chica 2 had her wish and savored every bite of her burger. Cherry Cricket wins best burger in Denver pretty consistently and 2 Chicas agree with the assessment.

The following day, 2 Chicas headed over to the REI Flagship store to see what all the brouhaha was about. This is a mega store with everything you could ever imagine for outdoor excursions. We spent hours looking at all the items in the store. 

With time to spare, we headed downtown, which was vibrant. We shopped, people watched, and had lunch.. 2 Chicas love the frozen tea drinks served with boba, taro balls added to the beverage. The Mango Boba Tea we had in Denver was the best one we've every had! We stumbled upon the Downtown Denver Arts Festival and walked around for quite some time. It was fun but we had to leave prior to the performances.

As we headed to the airport, we quizzed each other over our favorite Colorado experience. It was just too hard to narrow it down to one thing. Our Rocky Mountain high vacation was now over, but we both agreed that Colorado, and especially Denver required return trips!

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